Makes me feel super dysphoric - currently I already have a discernible M shape on my forehead (short-medium hair ATM, growing it out) -.- Any tips on what I can do before going on hormones? Could that hair grow back once I’m on them? Any hairstyling advice?

    10 days ago

    I was in a similar spot at the beginning of my transition. Visible M and thinning up to a few inches back. I am now just over a year on HRT and my hairline has improved significantly. I still have the M, but its much less pronounced and the thin parts are filling back in nicely.

    I also had major dysphoria about my hairline, but now its way better and I barely think about it anymore. The way it works as far as I understand is that damaged hair follicles will repair themselves but destroyed follicles will stay destroyed. When you start T blockers the damage should stop getting worse right away and then begin to recover slowly over time.