No one knows the truth here. I don’t know whether it happened or not.
But what I do know is that a bunch of people who are not normally in this space suddenly joining in the conversation to tell trans people that they’re being unreasonable for worrying about stuff like this is not on. One or two comments, whatever, but when the majority of comments are non regulars telling trans people the world is ok, despite it clearly not being, it’s time to step in.
This is what I mean. You are so sure it’s a lie, something that you don’t know for sure either, to the extent that you’re willing to actively encourage gender diverse people to throw caution to the wind and put their complete faith in a system that was actively working against their interests even before the new president was elected.
Caution is warranted. A bunch of non regular posters to this community seeing this post and deciding to tell trans people that it’s all ok, and that they should continue to trust the system, that their caution is unwarranted? If you don’t see how being part of that chorus is a problem, then I don’t know what to tell you…