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  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023

  • All I’ve got is anecdotes, but as I understand it, trans women are less likely to get prostate cancer in the first place. Personally, I don’t know any trans women that have prostate cancer, and given how many older trans women I know, that suggests it’s less common than you’d expect in cis men.

    However, it could fit that those of us who do get prostate cancer are at a more severe level before it’s detected. In my years in the trans community, the only times I’ve learned of trans women with prostate cancer is when it’s been advanced. But those are all second hand stories and blogs/news articles etc.

  • The opening sentence of that journal article feels off…

    “Among people with prostate cancer, transgender women receiving estrogen are more likely to present with high-grade disease vs cisgender men, suggesting potential delayed diagnosis”

    Given that trans women have smaller prostates (a protective factor) and lower testosterone (a protective factor) and that estrogen therapy is the leading treatment for men with prostate cancer, it feels like quite an assumption to state that lower overall presentations of high grade cancer are potentially an indication of an increased risk of high grade cancer…

  • I’m pretty old and I’ve “completed” my transition, and I’m always happy to share my experiences or knowledge if people are interested.

    Twinsies :)

    But as GarfGirl has mentioned, if you’ve got a matrix account, I co-admin a matrix space that might be of interest. It’s not as convenient as discord, but, it’s decentralised and federated, and not hosted by a corporation driven by profit above everything else. So if that stuff is important to you, you’re welcome to give it a try

  • Tell your doctor that you need more than a cis doctors opinion/perspective, because his view, however well meaning, is an outsiders view, that comes from short snapshot interactions. Tell him you need the chance to speak to people who have used this surgeon and have a real conversation with people who have been there. Ask him if he can put you in touch with people who have used his recommended surgeon, who you can have real conversations with?

  • Honestly, I wouldn’t be trusting a cis doctor for advice on FFS, whoever they are, and whatever they say.

    If you can, I would try and find trans people who have used the doctors in question and can talk to you about their experiences, not just during the process, but in the 12 months afterwards as well. You need to make sure that they are happy with the results, that you like the look of their results, and that the surgeon is on the same page as you in terms of your goals.

    That was how I ended up choosing my FFS surgeon. I ended up meeting two people in my city who had used him, and their experiences convinced me to go to the same doctor.

  • You are working on undoing a lifetime of negative indoctrination and internalised shame about yourself. Finally knowing who you are, claiming ownership of yourself and forging the life you want is a powerful and amazing experience, but it doesn’t undo that previous lifetime of experience overnight.

    It’s going to take time to work through the conflicting and sometimes contradictory feelings. The best thing you can do is give yourself permission to work through it. Don’t beat yourself up or blame yourself for those moments, because they’re not your fault, they’re the end result of a lifetime of negativity targeting folk like us, and you’re walking the path towards undoing that negativity. But it takes time. Give yourself permission to take that time to work through it

  • I think a lot of people would say “Ok, you’re describing the experience of being non binary” but I don’t think it’s quite that, particularly internally I tend to feel quite strongly gendered, something odd happened where prior to transition I was mostly a woman in my imagination/internal monologue and after transition I often find myself thinking of myself as a man. Yet when I’m gendered as a man by strangers it feels awful!

    Yes, this is similar to my own experience! It feels like what I’m experiencing should be a non binary experience, yet, I don’t resonate with that, because my internal identity is gendered in a binary way. Yet every time I’m seen as transgressing gendered norms, it makes me happy. That was true before I transitioned, and it remains true now that the norms attached to me are different. I’m not happy being misgendered, but I’m quite happy to not be gendered, and I’m uncomfortable when people assume I’m cishet. I’d be happiest if my gender was an internal experience and of no importance to anyone else. My gender identity is there, and it’s pretty binary I guess, yet that very same binary comes with a boatload of bullshit that no one should have to deal with.