Last night I had a dream where I was socially interacting as male, had male anatomy, etc. - it usually disturbs me when I wake up and realize my unconscious is operating this way, it feels like I don’t see myself as a woman, which is true on a conscious level but it’s painful when I don’t even see myself as a woman in my dreams.

Sometimes even before transition trans women see themselves as women in their dreams, and I marvel at that. I think part of my denial was integrating every internal part of me that felt female as being actually authentically male, that all men are actually feminine in this way or that. So the authentically feminine parts of me still feel “male”.

Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick poll and see:

(if any transmasc folks or enbies are reading this, I would love your input too, even though I’m using gendered language, I don’t mean to be excluding)

  • did you have dreams where you were a woman before you transitioned?
  • what was the process like of your internal concept changing as you transitioned?
  • when did you start appearing as a woman in your dreams post-transition? (did the frequency increase post-transition, what was that change like?)
  • how do you relate to your self-conception, does it disturb you to be a man in your dreams, is it a relief to be a woman in your dreams?
  • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
    23 days ago

    Socially, I see myself as agender, but it wasn’t until 2.5 years (and 6 months after I started HRT) after my egg cracked that I came out to anyone except my roommates so makes sense why my dreams are the way they are. I’m still only out to a few people, and ideally I’d rather not have people at work find out.

    I did have a dream recently where everyone started gendering me as a woman and dream-me liked it even though it acknowledged that people weren’t quite correct, it certainly was a lot better than being assumed a guy.