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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Reciting from memory is a bardic skill, but those “other people” were his dedicated assistants.

    Well, possibly. We don’t know when Homer went blind, or if he was ever actually blind.

    All we really know is that the two biographies written about him were written at least 400 years after his death. Both are highly questionable, but both still say that Homer was literate, or at least well educated, before losing his sight.

    All we actually know is that Homer wrote the Iliad (or parts of it) and the Odyssey.

  • There were Zionists in Israel who were actually supportive of the Nazis, both because they hated the British that much, and because they thought that if the Nazis forced the Jews out of Europe, those Jews would move to Mandatory Palestine to take up arms and exterminate the Arabs.

    The Stern Gang, otherwise known as the Lehi terrorist organization (and later integrated directly into the IDF as it formed) actually used Nazi race “science” to claim that Jews were a superior race and should exterminate the Arabs who lived in the area. The Stern Gang actually tried to field troops in support of the Nazis in Europe. They tried repeatedly until 1942. The Nazis said no.

    Fun fact; Netanyahu’s political party formed in the 1980s, as a fusion of two other right-wing parties. The first part leader and Netanyahu’s mentor was a former member of Lehi, and as prime minister gave all surviving terrorists medals “for their service in creating the State of Israel”.

    The other two paramilitary organizations that folded into the IDF were also full of terrorists.