Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • So, as expected, it turns out Elon is a guy who decided to move companies out of California because he wants to “protect” kids from not getting abused by their parents. I hope that vile piece of shit carks it and steps on a lego on his way out.

    Contrary to what many parents (including my own) seem to believe, hurting one’s own children isn’t making them healthier nor in any way better. It’s just fucking them up and teaching them to hide shit their parents don’t want to see. It doesn’t go away. It’s still in there. It’s just in there, twisting the person’s whole damn life around and some prick who figures they’re entitled to a person because they figured out where to hide the sausage thinks they fixed “their” kid. “Yeah good, now they aren’t crying any more. Problem solved.” “Now they don’t look at people of the same sex any more. Problem solved.” “What do you mean, ‘there’s a person in there?’ I’ll raise my kid how I want to!”

    Excuse me, I’m gonna go seethe for a bit.

  • I don’t really mean “my fault” like I’m sorry for what I am, just that I’m out of place here and not fitting into this ridiculous world of hunams (apparently I’m Spathi now so I call them that 😅 ) smoothly, easily. I like to think that I’m not sorry in the least for anything about myself that isn’t a wrong choice I’ve made, and kinda pride myself on that. No one should be sorry for existing but anyone who causes avoidable harm should seek to change. It’s a pretty simple rule that I think serves well as a kind of root, most basic kind of thing for living life: if you’re hurting someone, stop. If you’re not, then do you.

    As for the bus thing, yeah, that’s the idea :3 Partly struggling with my anxiety problems but also just learning how to get around and having a chance to directly see and experience some of the city. Getting some idea of how to get around, how to get to and from places, how to use apps (mostly Google Maps <.<) to guide myself, figure out when and where and how I’m gonna have to wait for buses, how to orient myself and pick and board the right bus (as opposed to the left one, which has the same number but a different letter and goes the other way)… Making the mistakes on the way to/from Taco Bell was most definitely part of the point nodnod I really do not want to have to figure out all’ the basics en route to something important because even little oopses can totally ruin me. Anxiety’s still hellish, though :-\


  • Okay, the Taco Bell was quite nice. Last one I got food from (an Oklahoman one!) was realbad. … Then I decided to trek around Target. Was pretty comfy for a bit but then it got busy and I got stressed. Bleh! Then I missed a bus. I blame Google. Also I should maybe not have taken a jacket. Lots of walking (including on and across roads, eep!) and heatness and drank a bottle of water but I’m still dried out and bleeeeeh! Now all is stress and frustration and ugh. Some stress involving the critters to talk to about progress toward ‘supporting myself’ or whatever. Also never gonna understand why people think their horrific experiences will make me feel better and not worse :-\ I feel like I don’t fit anything people think I am, in fact I keep feeling like at least some people understand me backwards. Weird and frustrating. Maybe it’s my fault for being an alien 🤷

  • I continue to exist @.@ In apparently one of the trans-safest places evar, which is good. Forward progress looms like doom, threatening to cause me to have some kind of life or something. There are many good critters around here! I’ve touched some of them so I’m pretty sure they’re real too @.@

    Maybe not a significant thing for anycritter else but my brain is a tasty snack so I’m kinda terrified of going anywhere even when I’m not in a totally new place doing it a totally new way <.< Anyway, I’m thinking about doing a tiny lil bus trip just to the nearest Taco Bell tomorrow 😅 Just to help get myself a lil more familiar with the buses and riding them and pathing about the city and going out at all. Big adventure @.@ Tons of fun?

  • never ending battle that will never be enough

    Humans (individually and otherwise) and humanity are constantly growing and developing and changing. There’s never going to be an end to where we can go and what we can be, so why would there be an end to our attempts to include and support everyone?

    Reminds me that lots of people act like there’s some point at which they’re done, like they’ve reached good and can just sit there without any further effort. This is wrong. There is no end. Good is a way of life, not a mark on some paper. We must carry on our efforts, always, never imagining we’ll complete the task of “good.”

    My point being, why not try to evolve a flag? We evolve, the flag evolves. Maybe some time we need a new new one that includes everycritter. We’ll always be changing so our expressions of ourselves and our communities will also necessarily change. This isn’t a matter of solving an engineering problem once; it’s a matter of endlessly varying human nature and expression.

    Really hoping I managed to express some of that well 😅 Bit repetitive I guess but I struggle with concision 🤷

  • Seems like every time I hear about some “TERF” (as if they’re feminists, bleh!) more than just a little, they’re also a raging “antifeminist” (misogynist). Tons of “blah blah blah that’s not a real woman” but out of the other side of their mouth it’s a bunch of rhetoric about a “woman’s place” and how women should find a man and serve quietly or shouldn’t be allowed to vote or whatever. So, this comment really fits well with a bunch of stuff I keep seeing: seems like a bunch of the women pushing this crap have just eaten up misogyny or are grifting on it.