
Mastodon: @HipsterSkeleton@dotgr.id

  • 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023

  • I’m frothing at the mouth for some alchemy buffs. I want my teammates to be excited to have an alchemist in the team, and not have to pester them to accept faustian bargains for what amounts to a +1 to a single roll every adventuring day.

    I want alchemy bonuses to become status bonuses.

    I want bombs to all go up a dice size and add the creator’s int by default (they’re consumable weapons, they should be good).

    I want poisons to use the alchemist’s class DCs.

    I want saveless weapon oils for poison immune enemies.

    I want more inhaled poisons for battlefield control and area denial.

    I want more contact poisons for trapmaking.

    I actually don’t care too much about master weapon proficiency, i just want to have the unique stuff alchemists can do be more viable and attractive to their teammates.

  • I’m reading through the guardian right now. I’m pretty excited for it, but a bit trepidous. Classes characterized by their strong defenses typically don’t have as much agency as classes characterized by being able to influence the world around them in some proactive way. But hey, Paizo made healing good in 2e, maybe this’ll be good too.

    I’m astonished it doesn’t get Expert Armor right out of the gate. Armor Specialization right away is welcome, however.

    Intercept Strike and Taunt… I’m not entirely sold on both. Intercept has negative synergy with Taunt & Armor Spec, and feels about on par with a champion reaction, but they’ve got like 6 of those things. Taunt kind of hurts the fiction a little, but I’ll acknowledge the necessity of making it apply to things like rats, fork swarms, and skeletons. I don’t like that Taunting makes you more vulnerable to attacks than a champion with an identical armor setup. I do appreciate that they’re both usable in different situations, though - intercept for close range defense, taunt for long-range.

    Tough to kill is just a better Diehard, which I think is fine as a bonus feature. Personally, I subscribe to the “Save 1 hero point each session” strategy to avoid deaths on characters I want to keep, this’d probably let me let go of that idea.

    At first glance, I thought Reaction Time was nuts, but on re-read it just seems super meager. Guaranteeing a reaction when you botch your initiative roll isn’t all that impressive.

    Guardian mastery seems silly. Why use your item bonus instead of your Bulwark bonus?

    I’m curious about the archetype. Will it just be a worse sentinel dedication, but with better feats?

  • My medium from PF1e uses harrow-themed masks for their spirits, kind of like Majora’s Mask.

    So whenever he wants to warlock it up and start raising the skeletons from the dead, he throws on the Queen Mother mask and slowly shifts into a regal fomorion as influence builds. Whenever its time for crimes like larceny and extortion, The Crows goes on and he progressively becomes a weird birdman. The Cyclone goes on when its time to throw hands, becoming more like an aerial elemental, etc etc. Twelve masks total makes for a fun and visually dynamic character.