• 101 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Elders? They’ve got a ton of ghouls and are probably primogen so you’re looking at a real quick Blood Hunt. Especially since their resting place is fireproofed or likely not where you think it is. It’ll be dark by the time they emerge from a burning wreckage or definitely by the time they emerge from their actual Haven. Then they interrogate witnesses/ the local Nosferatu and appear a few nights later outside your Haven and ask who torched their house.

    Nosferatu? Likely own the homeless population and have bolt holes in a dozen rooms to get out. Then every underworld person in the city has a fat bounty on your head.

    But the big reason arson in a city is bad is that when you have a dense city of buildings so crammed together, arson can quickly become a mass murder. The Prince probably isn’t going to care if you killed 400 people in the process, just that you killed a vampire without his blessing. Your Humanity however…

  • Context: Theo Bell is a vampire, he was born in 1829, to an enslaved family. His last memory of his father is being pried from his leg to be sold to Bell plantation at the age of 5, along with his mother and sisters.

    Eventually, he escaped, and strangled a bloodhound with one hand along the way. He then joined the Underground Railroad. One night, a mission went bad, and Theo, about to be trapped by his pursuers, was drunk dry by a vampire who had admired his exploits for years.

    Understanding his new power as a vampire, Theo escaped his pursuers and returned to the Bell Plantation he escaped from. There, he took up a whip, and slew his enslaver, “Master Bell”, and flew into a vampiric Frenzy. When he came to, he was in the plantation’s Slave Quarters, surrounded by bodies.

    After slaughtering every living being on the plantation, slaver or slave, Theo took the name Bell to remind himself that HE has the power now.

    Bell would go on to be the most feared enforcer of the Camarilla (vampire mafia) for many years, before snapping and gutting the leadership. He then left the organization, taking much of Clan Brujah with him.

    Unrelated to VtM lore: Vampires drinking the KKK dry is a great fucking story