Did you tear down a laptop on the landing of some stairs?
Did you tear down a laptop on the landing of some stairs?
Order eh?
Who does he think he is?
There was a subreddit called HailCorporate for when people accidentally post ads that they made themselves. Like we hear so much advertising that we start internalizing it and end up basically thinking and talking in ads.
Of course it kind of typically devolved into accusations of intent, but I always thought it was a neat idea. Does life imitate art or the other way around type of thing?
Thanks for listening.
Always good to have helpers.
Got pants and socks and sherling slippers.
People live different than I do lol.
Box research concluded. Agent Cat status retired.
This somehow makes me feel like all is right in the world.
The US is also in the middle of the largest industrial build out in history which will bring much of our industrial plant back to North America.
What’s this now?
Isn’t that sort of a thing?
He is a pretty wild looking dude.
Is it weird that this somehow makes sense with all the banking?
Why is it that the finance industry and cocaine seem to go together so often?
Well, good for them. I hope they’re able to swing it back to neutral. It sounds like a daunting task.
It’d be nice to see partisanship undone on a public good.
My household was livid this morning.
“It doesn’t matter what the rest of the world is doing, WE had an arrangement”
They’re not wrong. Changing time is bullshit.