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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Okay, so you’re a jingoist, a loyalist sheep, and apparently not able to form your own opinion. Do you often let the government make your decisions for you?

    We’ve historically supported Israel because they are a stepping stone into the Middle East. They are a loose Democracy, that holds strategic value in a region that we hold great economic interest in. That’s it. I understand nuance may be a little difficult for you to understand, but economic stability does not justify genocide. Nor does a terrorist act from HAMAS justify the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

  • Ah. A genocide supporter. Victim blaming the Gazans for their own genocide. They didn’t rat out their murderous captors to their glorious and wonderful Israeli knights in shining armor so their genocide is perfectly acceptable.

    People like you are on the same level as the people back in WWII that denied, supported, and excused the Holocaust. Remember back in school, when we asked ourselves how could people be so ignorant and monstrous at the same time to do something like that? It’s because of people like you muddying the waters.

    Congratulations, you’re on the wrong side of history.

  • I want to be very clear here - the alarm bells should be going off for people. This is whole thing is genocide… There are 10 Stages of Genocide.


    1. PERSECUTION: Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. In state sponsored genocide, members of victim groups may be forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is often expropriated. Sometimes they are even segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved. They are deliberately deprived of resources such as water or food in order to slowly destroy them. Programs are implemented to prevent procreation through forced sterilization or abortions. Children are forcibly taken from their parents. **The victim group’s basic human rights become systematically abused through extrajudicial killings, torture and forced displacement. **Genocidal massacres begin. They are acts of genocide because they intentionally destroy part of a group. The perpetrators watch for whether such massacres meet any international reaction. If not, they realize that that the international community will again be bystanders and permit another genocide.

      At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared. If the political will of the great powers, regional alliances, or U.N. Security Council or the U.N. General Assembly can be mobilized, armed international intervention should be prepared, or heavy assistance provided to the victim group to prepare for its self-defense. Humanitarian assistance should be organized by the U.N. and private relief groups for the inevitable tide of refugees to come.

    Edit: apparently Lemmy double posted. I’ve removed the lower copy.

  • I think one of the greatest lies conservatism has sold people is that they, alone, are fiscally responsible. I feel a lot of people have woken up to that notion by now, but it appears it hasn’t stuck with everyone.

    Conservatives aren’t “fiscally responsible”, they just don’t want to use money for socialized care, support programs, or for other things that they deem as “unnecessary”, which just so happen to coincide with many of their social objectives. It gives “center-right” voters a comfortable excuse to support more fiscal responsibility, without having to directly say that they support racism, bigotry, and hatred.

  • I’m hard pressed to believe a single fucking thing that comes out of Israel’s mouth. Would you believe any narrative of Nazis during WW2? Israel has shown callous disregard for Gazan citizens. They humiliated, tortured, murdered, bombed, beaten, and maimed thousands upon thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children in their pursuit of Hamas. They’ve murdered journalists. They’ve manipulated the narrative numerous times. Fuck Israel. And Fuck every Israeli citizen that’s participated in Netanyahu’s coldblooded, murderous rampage. They think they get a free pass to do what they’ve done?

    May God judge them harshly for the actions they’ve committed. Every single one of them will burn in hell. No just God would ever permit what they’ve done. Ever.

  • Alteon@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.worldIsrael is starving Gaza
    6 months ago

    You think because HAMAS committed a fucking warcrime that’s it’s acceptable that Israel is allowed to commit genocide of an entire population of people? You are disgusting.

    The Gazan people didn’t start this. HAMAS is murdering them too.

    But you wouldn’t know that, because your too busy being an ignorant pissant that posts about shit that they know nothing about. Going be a worthless sack of shit elsewhere. People and children are dying and assholes like you are only making it worse by fucking posting a bullshit narrative that isn’t factually accurate.

  • Very narrow and low effort, I agree. Was trying to generate some conversation, and it’s worked.

    That said, Israel is pretty much running an open air concentration camp. They control pretty much all of the resources that the Gazans need. They targeted and bombed so many hospitals, schools, and community centers after specifically telling people to evacuate to these locations, that it’s no longer an “oopsie”, it’s an actual war crime. They’ve targeted and murdered over 60 journalists to prevent information from getting out. They’ve actively murdered people that have clearly surrendered. They’ve been caught burning food, medicine, and resources that would have helped the Gazans.

    The IDF’s actions are indefensible. They have one of the most powerful, well trained, and well-funded militaries in the world, they don’t have the luxury of “accidents”, “misfires”, and “confusion” to obfuscate their actions as the weapons and tools that they have at their disposal are some of the most effective and reliable tools in the entire world. Those shelled locations are INTENTIONAL. Those murdered journalists were INTENTIONAL. Those bombed out evacuation zones were INTENTIONAL.

    HAMAS is a terrorist group. The IDF are fucking Nazis.