This country sucks so bad, why couldn’t the weird transphobic internet lady just stick to her castle and keep tweeting about how wizards used to just shit on the floor bcs they were too stupid to use plumbing

  • Plume (She/Her)
    6 days ago

    They always do this. Every fucking time they want to make policies about us, they contact transphobic activists instead of actual experts on the question. What fucking expertise does she have?! And even more, haven’t you done enough against trans people already? Like, you need to justify doing more against them, seriously?

    The internet has often talked about how some of the states in the US are run by people who are absolutely deranged about trans people, but the UK is just something else.

      3 days ago

      What fucking expertise does she have?

      ChatGPT, find a trans expert?

      JK Rowling is an expert with over 15k pairings of her name and the word “Trans” in my database

    • katy ✨
      6 days ago

      especially when you remember that the woman who claims to want to protect girls made a scene in her book about a 50+ year old ghost perving on a child in the bathtub

    6 days ago

    Can someone please stop this evil witch on spouting her opinion in public? Stop giving her hate a public platform.

    7 days ago

    you can’t just give shiny new names like “reflection period” or “medical assessment by doctors” to old tricks like “real life experience” and “panel of judges and one doctor” and hope that people won’t notice. it doesn’t actually work.

    6 days ago

    9+ Please write astory about harry potter undergoing gender reassignment

    Once upon a time in the magical world of Harry Potter, Harry, the famous wizard, decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery. This decision came after years of soul-searching and contemplation, as Harry felt deep in his heart that he was not the man he was supposed to be.

    Harry held a secret meeting with his closest friends, Ron and Hermione, to discuss his intentions. Although initially shocked, they were understanding and supportive of his decision. Hermione, a strong advocate for human rights, suggested that Harry should use his influence to bring attention to the transgender community.

    Ron, on the other hand, worried about how the wizarding world would react.

    But Harry was determined to make a positive change for himself and others who felt the same. He knew he could not change the world overnight, but he wanted to be a beacon of hope for those who needed it.

    Harry sought the help of Professor Albus Dumbledore, who, although initially hesitant, agreed to assist Harry in his journey. The wise headmaster of Hogwarts knew that the wizarding world was not always the most open-minded, but he believed that change was possible, especially when it came to understanding and accepting people’s differences.

    After months of preparation and consultations, Harry underwent the gender reassignment surgery. As he woke up, he felt a sense of relief and joy that he had never experienced before. He was now a woman, and her name was Harriet Potter.

    Harriet knew that her journey was far from over. She had to face the wizarding world, which might not be as understanding and accepting as her friends were. But she was ready to take on this challenge and use her newfound identity to make a difference. With the support of her friends, family, and allies,

    Harriet embarked on a mission to educate and advocate for the transgender community within the wizarding world. She knew that it would be a long and difficult road, but she was determined to make a positive impact and create a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

    In the end, Harriet Potter’s story became an inspiration to many. Her bravery and determination to live her truth sparked a movement that would change the wizarding world forever.

    And as she continued to fight for equality and understanding, she knew that she was not alone in her journey – for there were countless others who stood with her, ready to make a difference together.

      6 days ago

      Just watch the Seven Spell Blades anime. On its own, it better then mid anime. Good, but nothing special. If you consider it a response to JK Rowling, it’s out for blood.

    7 days ago

    Why the fuck is a cisgender children’s fiction author consulting with the government on what rights trans people should have?? Absolutely deranged country.

      7 days ago

      Billionaire white woman no less. Who’s best friends with a Nazi, a homophobe, and a gaggle of upper middle class bigots who share her belief that society should adhere to anything they so desire including legally discriminating against anyone who is different from them.

    7 days ago

    Mhm. And why wouldn’t they want to talk with her, the unbiased paragon of tolerance that she is. I’m surprised they aren’t offering for her to head up a new political office who’s sole purpose is to determine if trans people should have rights or not.

    7 days ago

    I’m really glad that the likely government supermajority for the next 5 or so years is willing to listen to people and take their opinions on board.

    So I’m keenly awaiting my invite to speak with the Labour top brass on this issue, as it’s one that I also have opinions on. I checked my missed calls but they must just be making the appointment for early next week or something, right?

    Or is it some other reason, like the status of billionaire, which I am conspicuously about a billion pounds short of?

    Maybe they’d like to arrange to speak with Graham Linehan about it to get a more balanced view instead? (/s)

    Getting a GRC more easily is the only positive thing we’ve heard relating to trans rights from this group; we’ve heard the biological essentialism from several of the shadow cabinet and yesterday the story about not wanting to teach about trans identities in schools (which amounts to upholding the section 28-like policy from the blue tories).

    And even this one positive sounds like it’s a lie. The current GRC process requires two years of ‘proof’ of ‘living as your acquired gender’ but this isn’t actually hard to get - any official documents like bank statements or payslips showing your new name is sufficient (any periodically-produced document is fine and most people will have something). The hard part is the “gender dysphoria” diagnosis, because currently two are required IIRC, and one must be from the list of “approved” doctors. Since the NHS waiting lists are currently alleged to be over a decade in most of the country, this means that you need to get one of these specifically through private means, putting it out of reach of many.

    We can already self-id for our driving license and passport. Why does changing our gender so we can get married as a “husband” or “wife”, or be recognised as our gender after our life’s end, matter so much that it requires this much oversight? Wouldn’t it be more cost-effective, produce better outcomes, and simplify processes if we could just take our deed poll to the registry office and say “please update my gender marker, name and title”?

    I’m still holding out a faint hope that we elect a strongly left-oriented opposition (at least) or that Kier is playing some kind of 15-dimensional chess to use the right wing to gain a supermajority and then reveal that they were a left-wing party all along. But I’m not naive enough to believe that to be possible.

    And if you’re reading this Kier, call me gestures with hand mimicing telephone. I’m free next week for a chat if you want opinions from people who this policy would actually affect, instead of terminally-online billionaires who tweet about one subject constantly.

    7 days ago

    So obviously jk Rowling is a massive cunt but isn’t this more about Labour reaching out to a former donor in the run up to an election and less about shaping policy?

    • GarfGirl [she/her]@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
      7 days ago

      They’re basically reassuring her that they’re still transphobic enough for her to support after she went against them to endorse the Communist Party of Britain because one of their candidates put out a really transphobic statement for their election (but then CPB disavowed their member’s statement in a really limp wristed way to try and maintain the facade that they’re still the social centrists in between the former party RFB and CPGB-ML so she took back her endorsement)