Can you imagine if dog people let their dogs fuck off at night? They’d rightly be charged and have their pets taken away, what makes you special.
If your pet becomes my pest, I will deal with it as such. Not to mention all the dangers you’re risking your cat die to.
Really it’s a big case of entitlement, you think you’re entitled to use everyone’s property to entertain your cat, cause you’re too irresponsible of an owner to entertain and enrich your cat’s life at home
How to “deal” with a cat is by running outside screaming at and chasing it like a madman. That thing will disappear and never dare be seen in your garden again.
Can you imagine if dog people let their dogs fuck off at night? They’d rightly be charged and have their pets taken away, what makes you special.
If your pet becomes my pest, I will deal with it as such. Not to mention all the dangers you’re risking your cat die to.
Really it’s a big case of entitlement, you think you’re entitled to use everyone’s property to entertain your cat, cause you’re too irresponsible of an owner to entertain and enrich your cat’s life at home
How to “deal” with a cat is by running outside screaming at and chasing it like a madman. That thing will disappear and never dare be seen in your garden again.
newsflash: a cat is not a dog
a pest? what do they do? they’re just cats? i suppose you just hate animals? do you blame birds for “using your property” too?
Newsflash: birds aren’t cats either
If you’re going to be an ass about it, at least have SOME logical consistency.
birds do more harm than cats: they poop everywhere