Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
My friend had a dog who grew up with cats, and that dog did nothing but fuck around with those cats.
I think they went easy on her when she was a puppy and were unprepared for her excitedly body-slamming them as a full-grown dog
It may be AI-enhanced. I found this (original?) pic on The Old Place from 2018.
Some people haven’t learned that a water filter is cheaper.
Ah, damn, didn’t realize it wasn’t the original
Authleft is associated with overly structured planning and consequential wastage.
Very skinny
Those are the best moments, tbh
Reverse image search suggests
Gotta play to your strengths!
Frogmouth helm, funny enough
Has he tried flirting with her
! material!
Not mine, just a pic I found online
They do come from a land down under…
Your catto has good taste
[buys cat a nice bed]
[cat still chooses the dog’s bed]
“You don’t understand. It is IMPERATIVE that you let me watch you poop. OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR”
[sick techno-bass drop]