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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Yes, I even had a pros/cons list in my head that was heavily weighted in favor of doing it, but I was uncertain and scared. Finally, I convinced myself that it’s extremely easy to undo should I want to, making the only risk possibly wasting my time. My one regret after starting is not doing it sooner.

    The certainty only came after I made that scary decision. The tipping point was just “YOLO”. And even after, it’s still not 100%, merely 99.9%. I’m open to changing my mind, I just don’t think that’s likely now.

  • It seems you expect too much of yourself. Therapy can help get you out of these negative spirals by developing techniques to regulate your mind. While it’s hard, I think it’s a more reliable solution than hoping you’ll eventually look good enough for your standards.

    Something that helped me with my mind was realizing I am not a rational being and I do not control my thoughts. That voice in the back of my head criticizing me feels so real, but it’s not some objective judge, it’s actually incredibly biased and changes its mind based on my mood. If I can block out that voice, eventually it starts piping up less and less, and if it does pipe up again I know I can do something like play nice music to distract it. And sometimes it gets to me anyway, but I try to learn what triggered it and think of how I can mitigate that going forward.

    But also, see a therapist if you can, and be honest with them. They can really speed up the process of finding problems and coming up with mitigation strategies.