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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • okamiueru@lemmy.worldtoaww@lemmy.worldGrow up so fast
    4 months ago

    If anyone wants to recreate this. I’m 99% the best way to go about this is:

    1. Buy two identical fluffy toys.
    2. Take pictures of cute little puppy with fluffy toy.
    3. Hide one of the toys away 1-2 years.
    4. Take pictures of cute doggo with the not-destroyed fluffy toy.

  • It’s when I gave up on US politics. If only it was such that Hillary won… and not that DNC actively conspired to make that happen.

    As messed up and anti-democratic so many things are in the US leading to “pick one of two things”. The whole system is fundamentally broken when the selection of those two things is corrupt.

    But… when a person I wouldn’t trust to be mentally suited to pack a bag of groceries* or park a car*, is elected president, and gets to pick several supreme court justices… The world isn’t laughing at the US. They were laughing at the thought of Trump being in he primaries. They’re deeply concern that a complete fuckwit ended up in charge, and what that might lead to.

    Democracy (i.e. the system of governance) requires informed voters. GOP (the political party) requires uninformed voters.

    The only way you can vote Republican or think that the orange baboon can be entrusted with anything more important than throw feces, is one of two thing (or both): 1) you are an idiot / uninformed 2) you are morally corrupt

    *: this isn’t a put down directed at people who do these things, but that it requires some mental function in order to not crash the car, or steal some groceries… and I would be equally comfortable with Trump in that regard, as with a 6 year old. Which is to say: not at all. Which puts in perspective what I think of him being president.

  • Since no one answered your question. I’ll assume you were just curious about the numbers. It’s easy enough to answer.

    Around 23k civilians in Gaza have been killed by Israel since October 7th. On 9/11 2001, around 2.6k were killed in those attacks. So, around 8.8 “worth” of 9/11s.

    Given 94 days since October 7th, it would be a “9/11 amount of civilian casualties” every 10.6 days.

    Or perhaps:

    A “Hamas October 7th” every 5 days. For over 3 months straight.

  • Terrorism doesn’t mean “scary thing.”

    It means a lot of things to a lot of people, in a lot of contexts. There are more than 250 definitions used in academic literature. More interestingly, it’s consistently used by people with significant bias, and inability to understand it from the perspective of “the enemy”. It is a word, after all.

    Now, king of the red herring fallacy of which you are, I’ll just point out that when a state commits war crimes against a civilian population, it’s reasonably well accepted to be considered as “state terrorism”. But, I’m sure you’ll regally conjure a ignoratio elenchi response.

    Not that this ever was a bar needed to pass in order to answer the rather simple question posed. So, to get back to where you sidetracked off from:

    Around 23k civilians in Gaza have been killed by Israel since October 7th. On 9/11 2001, around 2.6k were killed in those attacks. So, around 8.8 “worth” of 9/11s.

    Given 94 days since October 7th, it would be a “9/11 amount of civilian casualties” every 10.6 days.

    But why not use a different unit of measurement. How about:

    A “Hamas October 7th” every 5 days. For over 3 months straight.

    But hey, it isn’t terrorism if it’s genocide, right? But, you’re not sure about that last part. Perhaps it’s not systematic enough to check that box? After all, it’s not like they’re carpet bombing a region with a population density twice that of of San Fransisco, of which half are children. Given the average of 10 civilians killed per Israeli airstrike. There is some randomness for it to not be on-the-nose genocide, but not too much randomness to be obvious acts of terrorism. Just that pleasantly tempered amount of killing of children to argue in bad faith.

  • I’d be willing to bet good money that this is pretty fucking terrorising to the people who live in Gaza.

    It’s also predictable to see your username on every post about Israel doing evil shit. Always taking the apologetic tone. Not to wrap myself in tinfoil, but, you wouldn’t be part of some propaganda machinery, right? Perhaps just a sucker for one?

    Oh, and where were we on the “Do you condemn Israel for its genocide”? Ifs and buts, still, I presume?

  • intially replied to made it clear that the death of the gunman happened after the gunman was

    Oh? WokerOne made that clear? Incorrect. So… Kinda invalidates your rude remark… And is the basis for my argument. Hence the repetition. Nor did the parent comment make that clear either. Certainly suggests it might be the case. But, when sommone follows that up with its own premise and context, and you ignore it, is on you. The usefulness of a conversation after that point is also lost. But again, that’s on you.

  • I would imagine any group of people who are experiencing a genocide, to consider any group of people who are fighting against their oppressors, to be resistance movements. Likewise for any proponent of the interests of those committing the genocide, to consider any opposing group as terrorists, regardless of whose goals are advanced by the group existing.

    It’s Israel committing a genocide. Hamas attacking Israel. And Palestinians being genocided.

    Focusing on the second part, and making a big deal of whether or not the subjective and pretty much meaningless “terrorist” label applies to Hamas, is what’s gotten quite tiresome. It smells so much like the “🙉… but do you condemn Hamas?”-rhetoric.