I try to contribute to things getting better, with sourced information, OC and polite rational skepticism.
Disagreeing with a point ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality.
Let’s discuss to make things better sustainably.
Always happy to question our beliefs.
Salem from Sabrina The Teenage Witch ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXijUaTikhM
Get an accomplice to open a can of tuna.
You have to pick the right petting options to unlock the boon.
You have to bury your face in the fur to restore stamina.
That’s why you upgrade your webcam with a nerf gun.
In the Reign of King Moabdar, there was a young Man, a Native of Babylon, by name Zadig; who was not only endowed by Nature with an uncommon Genius, but born of illustrious Parents, who bestowed on him an Education no ways inferior to his Birth. Tho’ rich and young, he knew how to give a Check to his Passions; he was no ways self-conceited; he didn’t always act up to the strictest Rules of Reason himself, and knew how to look on the Foibles of others, with an Eye of Indulgence. Every one was surpriz’d to find, that notwithstanding he had such a Fund of Wit, he never insulted; nay, never so much as rallied any of his Companions, for that Tittle Tattle, which was so vague and empty, so noisy and confus’d; for those rash Reflections, those illiterate Conclusions, and those insipid Jokes; and, in short, for that Flow of unmeaning Words, which was call’d polite Conversation in Babylon. He had learned from the first Book of Zoroaster, that Self-love is like a Bladder full blown, which when once prick’d, discharges a kind of petty Tempest. Zadig, in particular, never boasted of his Contempt of the Fair Sex, or of his Facility to make Conquests amongst them. He was of a generous Spirit; insomuch, that he was not afraid of obliging even an ungrateful Man; strictly adhering to that wise Maxim of Zoroaster. When you are eating, throw an Offal to the Dogs that are under the Table, lest they should be tempted to bite you. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/18972/18972-h/18972-h.htm#Ch_1
Some humans become lactose intolerant as they grow up, not all of them.
He’s worried you’re not respecting the GDPuRr.
It means peach in Japanese.
It’s not an abduction it’s a catdiac arrest.
I guess they would at least recognize general shape of common words after some time like anyone spending a couple of weeks in a foreign country with a different alphabet would.
Where is Korea worse?
Seems very similar to Japan except South Korea has been gaining popularity in the West more recently.
Could be, or a troll, or a kid that wants to advantage its own comment, so many possibilities!