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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • There’s nothing wrong with feeling bad about the way you look. You can’t be blamed for the ways you tend to perceive yourself. Although the obvious thing to say is “there is no such thing as looking like a girl”, it’s obvious from the context that you mean you’re worrying about your looks not meeting most cultural expectations of what a woman is and/or generally not passing as a woman. Not that it’s any consolation, but plenty of cis people are in the same camp there… there’s not much some rando like me could say that could make you feel better, but it’s always good to think that now is better than before, and the future will be better than now.

    Hopelessness is the worst feeling, and I remember frequently just reading and writing and thinking on and on, all in hopes that eventually I’d stumble upon something that solved my problems and suddenly get the drive to completely turn around my life. But that wasn’t how it worked. It’s a tempting and addicting path to spend all your time and effort boiling alive in your own stresses, and it’s hard to push yourself away from harmful coping mechanisms since they can be ways to get stress off your chest temporarily, and they can introduce a low-level comfort in the short term. Even though you’re still feeling anxious the entire time and it just makes it worse in the long-run. To me it feels like when I drink tons of caffeine…

    The only way I was able to eventually mostly detach myself from my stress-cycle was by cutting myself off from the mechanisms I used to dump stress on (including Reddit and Discord, and other social media/forums/boards/comment sections), to keep attempting to rationalize that the gods can take my executive functioning but they can’t take my ability to obsessively write cursive variants of foreign scripts (I mean to say that I have at least a little control as long as I tell myself I do), and most importantly trying to accept that nothing will happen when I want it to happen (or even near when I want it to happen) and that the betterment I hope for, while they’ll come eventually, aren’t coming now or even in a week from now or even a month or year from now. And that I will not have any radical sudden change in my life whatsoever.

    Saying “just stop feeling the way you feel lol” isn’t very insightful, but my gist is that sometimes your goal should be to avoid focusing on the grandiose illusions of what you want for yourself, to avoid having big dreams and big expectations, and to avoid feeling that you need to constantly be changing or improving or doing something with your time/life. There are no deadlines. You just started young adulthood, you have like 10 years minimum to get around to doing the stuff you want, you’re not imminently becoming a retirement home grandma or anything (although with my back sometimes I’m not so sure). Some days you can get up and focus for a bit, many days you can’t. Any progress is good and there are no set-backs.

    My experience relates to other aspects of myself and my life, both flexible and immutable, especially neurological disorders (mostly ADHD & Dyspraxia) and things caused by them plus inadequate parenting (I’m sure everyone on this community could tell you this, but that sort of thing is a recipe for a pretty awful self-image). I haven’t experienced HRT or any significant form of gender-related treatment or anything.

  • force@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldBuying in bulk
    4 months ago

    tbf don’t think a kid should be eating that much chocofruitysugarbomb oatmeal regardless of if they like it or not, that’s how someone like me who has ADHD (which gives me sensory issues and makes me super picky) gets even MORE picky and becomes addicted to sweet food. allegedly

    a bowl of the average cereal is about the same value nutritionally as eating a bowl of ice cream with a pile of hay on top, certainly not something one should eat regularly

  • To be fair USSR after communism was leagues better than USSR before communism ever could have been. But it’s not exactly proving much pointing out that an extremely unequal authoritarian regime is worse than a more equal but still authoritarian regime.

    I don’t think the comparison works anyway because this is a true example of exactly what most libertarians have wet dreams of, while with communism people try to use e.g. the USSR and PRC to discredit leftism as a whole (especially socialism) even though any leftist worth their salt would realize authoritarianism is bad and creates a dangerous hierarchy, which is why Marx and Engels specified their ideologies to be democratic.

  • I mean you can Google the word “foreign” and the first thing that shows up is:

    of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one’s own.

    of or belonging to another district or area.

    And Wiktionary gives:

    Located outside a country or place, especially one’s own.

    Originating from, characteristic of, belonging to, or being a citizen of a country or place other than the one under discussion. 

    Most Québécois are primarily francophones, while the rest of Canada are anglophones, it checks that box. And obviously Québec is a different district/area than not Québec. And someome from outside of Québec is of course from a different place, both being a different province and a completely different sometimes almost unrecognizable culture.

    Idk man seems pretty reasonable to call them “foreign” seeing as how they’re from a different province. Plus “foreign” is a good catch-all word for anyone who isn’t from the jurisdiction.

    Also yes if you go into another state you are foreign to that state. Not foreign country-wise, but foreign state-wise.

  • Argentinian leaders use nationalism as a distraction for their economic woes – it’s why the Falkland war started in the first place, the president wanted something to make citizens focus on other than the declining state of the country, and grabbing some land from a greater power to get a bunch of glory seemed like a great option, especially considering they didn’t think the UK would actually retaliate or even care. The reason they went for it is they thought the British didn’t give a damn about the Falklands, seeing as how they constantly denied giving the island economic support. Oh boy, were they wrong.

    Because of the war, Argentinians now see not having the Falkland islands as a detriment to their national pride, they think it’s soveirgn Argentinian territory… even though everyone living on the island has always been and still is almost entirely Anglo-Franco-descendent, and not once did Argentina actually have claim to the islands until recently in history…