I’m David. I live in Tacoma, Washington. I do square foot gardening, home automation with Home Assistant, and have too many cats.
You think you saw me behind some ferns? You just might have!
≡(ಠ ェ ಠ)≡
I get the joke, but with no prior context it’s kind of a jerk move to assume the player already opened it if they asked for a perception OR an investigation. A Mimic would normally just ambush you OR attack when the player opens them. If it was opened it’s probably already attacking, and if it was closed then performing a perception shouldn’t cause initiative until rolled (if the mimic noticed you noticing it, for instance).
I’ll…I’ll crawl back into my dingy nerd tavern now…
This particular ‘elder god’ is more of a mantle, you see. This entity does wield great powers, but is also beholden to a horrible and cursed collection of duties. During the summoning, they accidentally, somehow, kill this elder god; due to the nature of the summoning they must now assume his mantle and fulfill his obligations, with all that entails, lest the cosmos fall. A Satan Clause, if you will.
Yeah, you might need some combination of fail2ban for rude AI and cloudflare caching or something.
I feel very positive about this, Mongoose seems to have done a good job with their Traveller stewardship so far.
I imagine Autumnal Damage would be similar to winter arriving in Bone, but with falling leaves.
That was an enjoyable read!
Gotta get with the times, yo.
That’s the neat part: you don’t!
Soon, human. You cannot watch it forever.
Let us make felinekind in our image, according to our likeness
Just put Dot as GM, she can keep the brothers in line.