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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • The Confederate statues were errected during the Jim Crow era, and memorializing those men wasn’t their primary purpose. It was to remind those uppity coloreds that they were still living in the white man’s world, and they best not forget that, or their place in it.

    I can’t speak to the specifics of the monuments taken down in El Salvador, and whether their destruction more closely mirrors Nazi book burnings, or the destruction of Jim Crow Confederate statues.

    My point, sarcastic as it was, was that the tearing down of monuments should be judged on their own individual merits, because there isn’t one right answer.

  • I agree with everything you said, until the end, but only because it’s inaccurate.

    He’s casting a very wide net, that a lot of innocent people have been caught in.

    Now, given the circumstances that might be understandable, and it seems that a majority of their voting citizens believe that’s an acceptable cost.

    I’m not going to cast any moral judgement on them for that, but I think we should be honest about the totality of his policies.

    We shouldn’t lie and call him a dictator, but we also shouldn’t lie and say that only criminals have been caught up in his policing actions.

  • I agree, I’m also ashamed that my country has been tearing down our monuments. They’re real historical and shit to, going back a couple hundred years I reckon.

    Well, they were only put up in the last century, but they celebrated the lives of men from the 1800s.

    Yessir, a real impressive group of guys, a confederation of great men, if you will.

    And like you said, when countries tear down their monuments, it’s a real bad sign. I couldn’t agree more, that is a universal truth.

  • Saying Team USA doesn’t get government funding is inaccurate.

    It’s not a holistic nationalized system like many other countries have, but that doesn’t mean Team USA athletes and athletic programs aren’t direct recipients of government financial support.

    For example:

    Team USA athletes have access to some of the best training facilities and coaching teams in the world, many of which get direct, or indirect government funding e.g. grants, subsidies, tax incentives, etc.

    On a side note, that’s a great graphic. I was going to mention the hole in the wall in my other comment, but I was too lazy to go grab a source. Kudos.

  • It’s unconstitutional for Japan’s military to be anything other than a defensive organization.

    Now, in practice, they have all sorts of creative ways to get around that, one of which is linguistic tricks and “technically it’s not an aircraft carrier, it’s a…”.

    I know they were pushing through constitutional changes, or at least proposing them in the last few years, but I’m not sure if that’s been approved yet, or not. A simple Google search could yield an answer, but I’m too lazy at the moment.

  • This is objectively false.

    Setting aside the issue of QA and how and in what conditions this methamphetamine is being produced, no, the pharmacological effects of methamphetamine are NOT just the same as Adderall (blend of 4 different amphetamine salts).

    It’s also not prescribed for ADHD, except in rare circumstances. It’s mostly prescribed for conditions like narcolepsy, because it’s significantly more psychoactive then amphetamine salts, and that’s BEFORE you factor in issue of these being cartel produced counterfeit pressed meth pills vs production in an actual pharmaceutical laboratory with the accompanying conditions and controls.