fire fighter subscription is the most usa shit ever
fire fighter subscription is the most usa shit ever
disagree in the 4th option lmao
a third world country want to go against dozens of the richiest countries, and being a puppet of china, ok
wasn’t he trying to make corruption be treason? how that’s going?
and in the end he is gonna fall of a window and lose by 900% to putin, they need to pull a french revolution shit there
wtf so why turkey did that?, what’s the objective?
the URSS was effective, now russia…
why stop at Siberia?
these fuckers gonna give more ammunition to explode gaza
also the one that lost 87% of it’s troops to a “3 day millitary operation”?
What are they going to do, invade?
this could be glorious
my conspiracy theory: it’s actually the opposite, or not that much difference, ukraine it’s doing an USA move saying that the enemy is more powerful than it is, to encourage population/western support
the resolution: don’t mess with taiwan and we don’t mess with your entire country
please do, i’m gonna send to mine too