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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • I’ll check it out. I would really like to read a proper leftwing news outlet, doesn’t even have to be a paper in origin as I lean socialist and I am queer. Obviously the UK right wing papers are notoriously bad for sensationalism, the BBC has got worse since the Tory’s have taken control of it and it follows the government line plus it’s shit when it comes to trans issues and things like migration. The guardian isn’t so bad in everything but trans issues and then you’ve got columnists who are of the LGBT community like Arwha Mad something and she’s written negative articles about trans people and the readers of the guardian are also anti trans generally. The Times is linked to Murdoch so I won’t read it and the financial times I don’t mind but I’ve only read a handful of articles on it ever so I don’t know their stance on issues/causes that are important to me.

    I don’t mind reading people with differing opinions but I take umbrage with the outlet itself going out of its way to portray things in an over the top negative way and I have an issue with sensitive topics not being written about in a respectful way.

  • We of the lgbt community and our allies know the reports flawed as fuck at best but those who don’t have an interest in trans people outside of attacking them don’t know enough or care enough to know the reports shite. I was reading comments on the live politics blog of the guardian UK and there was someone attacking the green party of the UK because they’ve been supportive of trans people in their policies and manifesto, of course the replies were mostly in agreement and the evidence they used to support the attacks on the green party for being pro trans was the fucking case report. The guardians demographic is typically centre left middle class so likely university educated and they still don’t fucking get it. It served as a good reminder why I stopped reading it earlier this year. Unfortunately here in the UK there isn’t a leftwing paper that’s pro trans. Every news outlet is ambivalent at best and outright attacking at worst. There’s also a General Election this year and local ones within a month so it’s hugely important to me that anti LGBT people aren’t elected and that won’t be the case it seems. I fucking hate the UK and I’m lucky enough to live in Northern Ireland which hopefully will reunite with the south at some point in my lifetime.

  • With the ICJ to investigate claims of genocide in Gaza, you’d think members of Israel’s government would know better than to say shit like this. And for those who want to pick apart the case of Genocide, the ICJ ruled against Myanmar committing Genocide as they’ve withheld food and water plus displaced the rohingya.


    “The UK is facing accusations of double standards after formally submitting detailed legal arguments to the international court of justice in The Hague six weeks ago to support claims that Myanmar committed genocide against the Rohingya ethnic group through its mass mistreatment of children and systematically depriving people of their homes and food.”

    “The UK made its 21-page declaration of intervention” jointly with five other countries, but it is not supporting South Africa as it prepares to try to convince the ICJ on Thursday that Israel is at risk of committing genocide against the Palestinian people.”

    “The UK submission on Myanmar argues there is a lower threshold for determining genocide if the damage has been inflicted on children as opposed to adults. The submission said other actions that could be defined as genocidal, if systematic, include forced displacement from homes, deprivation of medical services and the imposition of subsistence diets.”

    “It argues that given declarations of intent to commit genocide are rare, the court’s test should not solely be explicit statements or numbers killed, but reasonable inference drawn from a pattern of conduct and factual evidence.”

    “Israel will defend itself at the UN-derived ICJ insisting it has been seeking to protect its civilian population in an attempt to destroy Hamas but not the Palestinian people. It says its post-war plans for Gaza involving Palestinian-led governance is proof of a lack of genocidal intent.”

    “South Africa is likely to highlight the UK’s arguments about Myanmar, submitted in conjunction with Canada, Germany, Denmark, France and the Netherlands, when it makes its high-stakes accusation of genocide against Israel.”

    “The November joint submission was in support of an original application made to the ICJ by The Gambia in November 2019 that genocidal acts occurred during a 2017 military campaign by Myanmar that drove 730,000 Rohingya into neighbouring Bangladesh.”

    “Myanmar has always denied genocide, rejecting the UN findings as “biased and flawed”. It says its crackdown was aimed at Rohingya rebels who had carried out terrorist attacks in Rakhine state.”

    “The ICJ unanimously accepted The Gambia’s request for provisional measures in December 2020, and issued a legally binding order to Myanmar to ends its genocidal acts and report to the court on the steps it was taking to comply.”

    I copy and pasted relevant paragraphs from the article so the usual dumbasses who defend, deflect and deny have no excuse for denying that a genocide is occuring and if there is a genocide then it’s justified.