Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • To give the illusion that fate was on their side.

    I make a point not to kill my players unless they make a habit of doing dumb shit, or it’s “almost” happened a couple times already.

    Especially if I get several good rolls or they get several bad rolls in a row.

    The game should be fun for everyone, and if even one player goes home upset with the session I will have considered my night a failure as DM.

    Not that I consider it a failing or even “bad” if someone else kills off their players. Everyone has different expectations from games and I’ve seen fantastic role playing of deaths before.

    One player ripped their heart out of their own chest, chugging a health potion to stay alive long enough to place it in their spouse who had just died died, and another player healed the spouse.

    They asked me if I would allow that and honestly it sounded cool enough that I was all for it.

  • I encourage private messaging or note passing for private conversations.

    Most of the time if I’m at a game, I have 4 or 5 different chats going since the DM should be included in any conversation (about the game) anyway, and if needed we can toss up another when someone else is brought into the convo or someone leaves.

    Personally I hate meta gaming and you can only bust out SCP-682 ( Anti-Metagaming-Tarrasque) so many times before giving up on some people. And I personally know I struggle internally with meta gaming. If I overhear something critical, I can’t just unhear it. And there’s no way of knowing if I would have figured something out or behaved in a certain way if I didn’t know the thing. So how I act from then on feels unnatural purely because I’m always judging myself “would I do this if I didn’t know?”

    It’s easier to split conversations up so only those who would have been part of it will know

    Of course if anyone wants to share the contents of a private conversation, go right ahead. But they have to wait until then.

  • I remember the Beltnado!

    What ultimately made me try the game was the tube launcher thing you can put in a circle, surrounding it with other tubes, to speed yourself up to some insane amount and at the last layer it straightens and points upward to launch you some crazy distance across the world.

    Maybe someday I can make a nice laid out base, but I’m a big fan of spaghetti.

  • I’m very into base building games in general.

    I think it started with Command and Conquer, and blossomed from there.

    I’m currently playing valheim and having no fucking clue what I’m doing, but I’m enjoying myself.

    My colonists on mars, Rim world, settlers in fo4, and the DRG dwarves will have to wait.

    And I want to try out Ixion? but my laptop sucks so I’ll have to wait until I get a desktop or something.