This is a man who knows how to gling. He is glinging. Yesterday, he _____.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Wugmeister@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networktag thyself
    17 days ago

    Don’t Japanese speakers call Japan something closer to Nippon? So it’s even closer than that.

    Also, as a LOTR weirdo, the thing that made me laugh was how the mountain range around Orienta is exactly the same as the mountains around Mordor right down to the location of the gates, just rotated slightly. And then right to the left there is Land of Evil-Doom, where the mountains SHOULD HAVE BEEN

  • In the last session, my party, who have been having a great time doing quests for my warlock patron, have suddenly realized that maybe they’re a bad dude after they killed a child (using the Rogue like a puppet to do so) and then had us brand our children with their symbol. Now they know why I have been so reticent and cryptic for the whole campaign.

    Personally I’m just relieved that we finally are all on the same page. It was a bit frustrating seeing the Rogue get sucked into the cult and ignoring all the big red flags on the path to hell.

  • I think what you are proposing sounds similar to what I said at the end of my first comment.

    Example: most people I’ve talked to about Goblin Slayer peg his alignment as Lawful Good, but I’m fairly certain if you decided to do ethnic cleansing in your game the other players might take issue with that.

    I think the strongest counterargument would be something similar to playing as a sort of Monster Rights activist in a more traditional sword & sorcery setting, trying to get kobolds and goblins standing in civilized society so people cant just kill them for fun. You’d be facing a lot of opposition from the world, and your goals likely run perpendicular to those of the other players, but that seems like the same kind of fun as what I am doing in my campaign. However, based on my argument earlier, this would be a Lawful Evil character lmao

  • I think you are confusing “inter-party conflict” with the players at the table getting mad at each other. For example, last session, my LE artificer and the CG rogue were experiencing some conflict regarding him making a pact with my warlock patron, which in-game devolved into my artificer threatening to kill his adopted son while he threatens to kill me. Out of game, we had a quick conversation that went something like this:

    Me: I don’t really want this character to die, but just so you know I have this bugbear Rogue I’ve been dying to play for years, so don’t feel bad about stabbing Artificer to death.

    Friend: I don’t want to do PvP right now either. But I am really attached to Son and I might not be able to forgive you OOG for killing him

    Me: Fair enough, I promise that I won’t go through with it.

    Then we went right back to RPing our characters threatening to stab each other’s loved ones. Thats what I mean by inter-party conflict. If you can’t be civil at the table, you’re either being a bully or you’re going to be kicked out of the table.

  • Wugmeister@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkTasha's alignment
    5 months ago

    I would argue that for game purposes, having an E on your character sheet means “I like inter-party conflict so much I am willing to instigate it” whereas having an unaccompanied N on your sheet means “I just want to have fun with my party”. Tasha is, as far as I know, a team player like 75% of the time, so I would accept her being true neutral as long as she does not inflict her sadism on things that affect the party negatively

    I am also perfectly down with having people with a G on their character sheet do horrifying things “for the greater good”. They have indicated they want to be a hero by writing that G on their character sheet, so as long as the other people at the table think their actions are heroic then there is no issue.

  • It’s not really well defined metaphysically, and I’m not sure there’s any directed intention in the design plan here (at least not that I can tell.) -

    I have been thinking about exactly this, because the more I think about it the more I wonder why all the DMs I’ve played with have come to the exact same conclusions when they have to improvise something that doesn’t follow a monster stat block or a spell description. I think it comes down to how in Planescape when you are astral projecting, you substitute your Str for Int, Dex for Wis, and Con for Cha.

    For the record, I had no idea that this was a 2nd edition thing. I thought that this was just how Astral Projection worked! So, it seems that the DMs and who showed me how DnD is done were old-school players who internalized this into a broader design philosophy, which became a teaching I learned as obvious fact.

    I had to do a lot of googling to try and find where this came from, and I’m not 100% sure I am right, but it is pretty frustrating that the only design guidance I had for this doesn’t even come from the text itself.

  • Maybe it’s a 5e thing. I only got into DnD in 4e when I was a kid, so maybe that was the transition point for that. As long as I have been playing, wisdom was for avoiding/deflecting psychic effects whereas Charisma was for withstanding effects that can just hit you with no chance of escape. It’s analogous to making dex save to dodge a poison dart trap, but having to make a Con save to resist the poison itself.

    The way I have been exposed to it, you use Intelligence to see through an illusion, Wisdom to avoid being charmed, and Charisma to avoid being NPCified into a mindless thrall of the big bad.

  • Technically, if you look at what Charisma rolls do in practice, it’s more akin to Constitution but for your mind. I personally like to use Constitution as the physical prettiness score and Charisma as the “force of will” stat.

    I know that’s counterintuitive as hell, but it’s what the rules lead me to believe. You don’t roll Int/Wis to resist having your soul rent asunder, after all. Besides, I think this lines up with how attractiveness works irl. I’ve met plenty of physically attractive people who become absolutely repulsive when you just get to know them the tiniest bit.