Twitter reminds me of the worst parts of the old “wild west” internet now. There’s still some good content, but it’s hidden among scams, skeezy porn ads, and some of the worst opinions you’ve ever read.
I feel pretty immune to that kind of stuff, but it’s a huge culture shock after browsing moderated social media.
Platypus: it’s a weird custom build, but it works as intended.
Oh, hey satan
I think most mammals have the same general wants an tendencies
And sometimes wants can be surprisingly different!
You pass the perception check and spot the mimic.
100% agree. I like DMs having more hazards and obstacles at their disposal.
It’s almost not worth picking up at character creation if the DM is probably going to ignore it.
I think this is it. I like the D&D edit better.
Yes, but it’s not what you’re picturing probably. They count up by 10 from 00-90 and are usually rolled with a d10 so that you can get all the numbers between 1-100.
This is the exact kind of post I would expect to see from
Don’t you dare touch Beast Wars, Britta!
That’s great to hear, although I can’t help but imagine someone getting a letter saying “The Pope would like to have you over for spaghetti.” and thinking it was some sort of absurdist humor.
The answer is always fireball.
Thank you for your service. These are indeed very cute.
Haha, you just can’t win.
What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?
Only good? What about neutral alignment? (if that was a thing)
I also like misdirection that doesn’t result in anything.
“And where are you standing right now?” - “Ok, just checking.”
After insight check on an honest npc: “As far as you can tell, he’s telling the truth”
It would be rude not to.