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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Do you think catholics would go against what the pope has told them God has commanded?

    Wouldn’t be the first time. In fact, it happens at a small scale fairly often, and it’s generally perceived as a tragedy when it does.

    If this were a politician trying to sway congress that’s one thing, but is the vatican not functionally a dictatorship, with the pope at the top?

    It’s not really. It’s an elected office, and certainly a political one. If there’s not a way to depose him once elected, it doesn’t make it not political. As for his supposed despotic power, he could theoretically do basically anything, but he doesn’t because the reality is that he doesn’t have the political will to do it.

  • When the pope says he can’t bless gay marriage, is that not letting him hide behind his religion for his choices?

    No, it’s him acknowledging his religion and saying people should be kind and respectful anyway.

    Homosexuality is a complicated subject among Catholics to say the least. Homosexual “acts” are officially a sin in Catholicism, and without the kind of change that would cause a schism, Francis can’t change that. From his perspective, if it did cause a schism anyone on the wrong side of the schism would be in jeopardy, and even if they weren’t they’d just continue on calling people sinners for being gay which Francis and the official stance of the church does oppose.

    So the Pope saying it’s okay to bless people even if you think they might be sinning may not be the most progressive thing in the world, may not be the most progressive thing he could say, but I do understand why he would say what he’s saying instead of something more concrete.

    I don’t have to agree with everything he says or thinks to recognize that.

  • The Catholic Church has sponsored plenty of progressive endeavors, both in the fields of science and otherwise. Which is to say nothing of the numerous Catholic people who have done progressive things and would place their faith as their reason for doing so. So there is a lot of progress that has been made because of the church.

    That being said, there have also been far too many times where the church deliberately resisted important progress and/or attempted to undo it, hence progress despite the church.

    I don’t know where the balance lies on that, but I do think it’s worth acknowledging both and even moreso acknowledging attempts from within to ensure more of the former and less of the latter.