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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • Works the same way with kids.

    Buy food: kid gobbles it down.

    Buy again next week: kid gobbles it down. “You like that food?” “Yes, it’s good!”

    Buy bulk pack of food 2 weeks later to save some cash and not forgetting to buy it next time. Kid has one more, then hates it. Now have multiple packages of chocofruitysugarbomb oatmeal that nobody wants to eat sitting in the cupboard until it expires.

    Repeat for the next food item.

  • Mandatory service means forcing you to work at the point of a gun.


    Slavery isn’t always life-long

    Oh. so that’s ok then? lookit you simultaneously saying slavery isn’t THAT bad, but OMG mandatory service is SLAVERY.

    You’re full of shit, that whole reply is. Maybe some countries are extreme, but it doesn’t have to be like that, and it’s stupid to paint with such a broad brush about mandatory service. If someone’s country is pointing guns at citizens to pave a road, that’s a problem with the country, not the service.

  • Absolutely not. Being required to perform service instead of living in your mom’s basement, unemployed, getting stoned and drunk for a few years while you concoct hyperbolic statements about mandatory service is not slavery. You are not forced into service based on sex, color, religion, economic status (sort of, as explained), or used to raise someone else’s profits while you get nothing.

    Service should be paid. You should be able to fill out a wish list for the jobs you want or might qualify for. You get to leave, uncontested, when you’ve completed service. That is not slavery.

  • I’m not entirely opposed to compulsory service, but it shouldn’t be just military. Civil service should be included as well, anything from internship at a town planning and engineering service, to litter pickup, to the military. I could already guess that socioeconomic factors would favor the well-connected and wealthy the soft jobs of working in the governor’s office vs being sent out to pick up trash along the highways, but maybe a lottery system would help prevent that. There’s always ways to game a system, though. Unfortunately.

    Mandatory service isn’t the best answer, it’s just one answer.