Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Not gonna lie, I think Traveller has the best cover art for a game, period. TTRPGs, video games, board games, card games, I legit think Traveller is at least top 10, if not number 1. I have never seen cover art that has made me feel so compelled to try out the game and make me wish I had people to play it with. It tells you about the game’s theme, setting, gameplay and I imagine, conveys the way the game actually feels to play without any actual artwork.

    Are there any other games that can claim the same? That’s a serious question, I’m legit scratching my brain trying to think of other games with cover art that hits as hard as Traveller’s, actual “artwork” or not.

    Traveller’s cover art is just on another level.

  • I dunno, people grew up with it and have fond memories of it they don’t want completely ruined? It’s honestly not fun being around people who point out every single issue with something, you know? Like, you’re not wrong, but that doesn’t mean it’s appropriate. That’s why I don’t really care if someone pirates it. Life is bullshit and, in my experience, there is nothing good about it and I really wish they’d asked me before they decided to give me life because I probably would have said no thank you.

    So personally, I’m gonna try to let people enjoy what they want to enjoy so long as it isn’t affecting others if it means they can suffer a little bit less.

  • I think a lot of the stigma comes from terfs* and attempts from the alt-right to sow division to divide and conquer. Terfs often present themselves as lesbians and are extremely vocal about how only cis women are lesbian, trans women aren’t women, etc. Then you have other aspects of the alt-right who talk about how trans women aren’t real women and real lesbians will know the difference. The result is that it looks like there are more people with these beliefs than there actually are (the alt-right is very, very good at harnessing social media to make themselves seem louder than they actually are).

    I know this isn’t the case, I consciously am aware that the vast majority of lesbians are supportive of trans people. I know a number of people who are lesbian and are very much supportive of the trans community. And yet, this belief has been so deeply sown that I still find myself questioning whether someone is a real ally or not. I hate that.

    * Fuck letting terfs rebrand as “gender critical”. I believe people can be critical towards the concept of gender and believe we should be moving away from associating behavior and personality traits with someone’s sex, while still being supportive of trans and non-binary folks.