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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The thing is, it will never happen.

    Sure, they might “win” in terms of military and/or stealing land. But as long as they keep oppressing, stealing and murdering - there will be people fighting against it.

    Even if there’s no Palestinian left on Palestinian ground. There will be people from different countries fighting back. One way or another.

    “If peaceful revolution is not possible, violent revolution is inevitable”.

    This whole thing seems to be a never-ending cycle which makes me immensely sad. For both, the Palestinian people and the normal civilians of Israel.

    From what I have read and heard, Israel haven’t seen any actual peace ever since they made the state. I think, they’ve been on ‘high alert for attacks’ ever since being made. Correct me if I’m wrong though.

  • Hamas being the wrong one? Certainly but they did NOT start it.

    You, Israel did start it certainly. 1948, stealing the land, illegal settlements, driving 750 000 Palestinian out and murdering many. Not to forget the Apartheid that’s been going on ever since then.

    1987 Hamas was created purely because of all what happened in these years. When peaceful revolution is not possible, violent revolution is inevitable.

    Yes. What Hamas did and probably still is doing - is wrong.

    It is also wrong what Israel has been doing ever since they became a “state”, an illegal state.

    The land, the country belongs to the Palestinians. An occupier cannot become its owner.

    You (Israel) is just as (if not worse) bad as Hamas. You the one who is killing thousands upon thousands of people. Genocide.

    That many countries refuse to acknowledge that an actual genocide is happening, does not mean that it is not happening - because it is happening.

  • The comparison is there, they doing the exact same thing.

    Ethnic cleaning, genocide and apartheid. Zionists literally think they are better than the Palestinian people.

    There are videos of Zionist government saying they want to drop an atomic bomb on Palestinian people in Gaza. The Israeli government compared Palestinian people with “animals” and “rats”.

    All these things Nazi did too. Except the atomic bomb.

    This is not antisemitism, this is reality. You’re just using antisemitism as an excuse to avoid the comparison.

    This is my last message to you though, I refuse to argue/ discuss with pro-Zionist’s. I refuse to get a headache.

    Anyway if anyone wants to see the image, it’s on Google. Just Google “Nazi and Israeli” and check the Google images. It’s there.

  • My point still stands, your claim of “Palestinian living in peace” and that “Hamas and Iran” started all this is nonsenses.

    Taking one part of my entire text to ‘counter’ it is nonsense as well.

    However you are right. That murder was wrong as well and should have never happened.

    But I will repeat trying to push this current war on Hamas and Iran is literally trying to mislead people.

    ETA: Because I will repeat; Israel stole land, drove out 750 000 Palestinians while murdering men, women and children of the Palestinians.

    Of course at some point, some (a lot) will lose their mind and fight back in horrible ways.

    If peaceful revolution is not possible, violence revolution is inevitable.

    I will also like to add, Israel has been illegal settlements. Stealing homes of Palestinian people. Just check this video of 2 years ago;


    You are telling me; this is living in joy, peace and in a healthy way?

    ETA: Not to mention all Israel tactics of have been in align with Nazi-Germany. All their methods with ethnic cleansing, apartheid and reasoning behind it.

    There’s so many proof of history (articles, books, videos and photos) about it.

  • ‘’Hamas and Iran started this issue’’ – You got to be ridiculous to truly believe this.

    The Palestinian people lived in peace before Israel came to be in 1948. They even took some of the Jewish people in when WW2 was happening.

    Israel took over the land by force (with so called permission of Britain/US?) - Occupation. They drove out 750 000 Palestinian people from their homeland, while also killed many. Apartheid slowly came to be and Palestinian lives got to a horrible state.

    In 1987 Hamas was created to literally fight against the occupation (stolen land) and for the rights of Palestinian people (getting their homeland back, having normal living conditions and such).

    If Israel did not steal the land, drove out 750 000 Palestinians and killed Palestinian people (men, women and children). All this might not even have happened. The entire cause of this is because of the creation of Israel by stealing, murdering and apartheid – which all started in 1948.

    Certainly Israel was and is allowed to exist but not over the backs of the Palestinian folk (people), IE: Murdering men, women and children and Apartheid. That’s where it went wrong.

    Brittain or US could’ve given the Israeli people their own land, like a part of the US or Britain but nope They did not.

    Your ‘’freedom, joy and healthy lives’’ is delusional. People in Gaza are living in constant fear even without the current war. Israel have the entire control within Gaza; What goes out and in (food & drink supplies), electricity and water. They are not even allowed to leave the Gaza strip – Many children have tried and were denied for no apparent reason. You call that ‘’freedom, joy and healthy lives’’?

  • How about stop bombing innocent civilians and ceasefire for a starter, that might lessen the hatred they gain for Israel.

    How about stop stealing their land and homes, that might lessen the hatred they have for Israel.

    Demilitarized as in no military? (English isn’t my native language) - as I’m aware, Gaza/ Palestinians do not have an actual military. It’s more just groups. Correct me if I’m wrong though.

    Besides Peace? I mean, Israel has been stealing land, homes, apartheid and killing men, women and children since 1948.

    Certainly what Hamas is doing, is horrifying and bad but so what Israel is doing is bad and horrifying.

  • Such a warped view.

    If a country killed everyone you ever cared for, you lost your family, friends and home. You also nearly died and can’t go anywhere else because everything is blocked off.

    You’ll feel like, you are already death. The only thing there will be in your heart is hatred and seeking revenge.

    The more deaths Israel is making of Palestinians the more Hamas members they’re making.

    That is due to Israel bombing everything and before claiming “but Hamas 7 October” let’s also go back to 1948 where it all started.

    About 750 000 Palestinians were removed out of Palestinian land. Lots were killed. Hamas was only created in 1987 to fight against the occupation.