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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • What?


    Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity.


    An ethnicity or ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include a common nation of origin, or common sets of ancestry, traditions, language, history, society, religion, or social treatment.

    It’s possible to be racist towards anyone. If you’re white go spend a couple of months in China and you’ll understand that after being told by multiple people that intelligence varies by skin colour and white people are in the bottom half.

  • Just pointing out the ridiculousness of the “it’s a foreign language” argument.

    There’s no universities in a first Nation language and the official language in Quebec is French. I would be the first one to vote in favor of teaching kids a first Nation language, there’s 11 families of them in Quebec alone so a common language is necessary and in Quebec that’s French.

    Members of first Nations are still free to go to school in whatever language they choose and the headline is just bad, at university level everyone can go wherever they want, it’s the English universities that will lose financing if they don’t get 80% of students from other provinces and out of country to reach level 5 French (out of 12 levels to be considered perfectly bilingual), that’s just enough French to be able to understand an everyday conversation.

    Do you consider that all other provinces do language discrimination because people can’t go to university there without knowing English?

  • Random numbers? Oh yeah, sorry… 5 millions French Canadians, 33.5m non French Canadians, 331.9 Americans… So yeah, you’re right, my numbers were wrong, 5m vs 367.4m… Oops, it didn’t go the way you expected did it?

    You’re pretty blind if you don’t realise that Anglo Canadian culture is disappearing, Quebec produces more original content for its TV than the rest of Canada!

    American culture is spreading so much that similar language protection laws are getting adopted in European countries now, same for protection against the spread of Russian in eastern Europe. You just don’t care because it doesn’t affect you, the proof being that I’m here and talking to you in English instead of forcing you to speak to me in french, which you should be able to do in our bilingual country.

  • We put limits to people’s rights at work all the time and for multiple reasons, wearing a uniform being one of them.

    If your religion is so important to you that you can’t make the difference between your willingness to display it and your professional obligations when you represent a laïc State and you’re in a position of authority (because that’s the only people affected by Bill 21), then maybe you should reconsider your willingness to work for said government in that position because clearly you’re not in the right place.

    It’s also very funny that you’re basically saying it’s ok for a religion/community to force people to wear certain clothes but it’s not ok for the State to tell the same people not to wear them. If they were so free to do what they want then removing a religious sign for 8h a day shouldn’t be an issue, shouldn’t it?

  • Again, what about political signs? No one complains about that… Weird right?

    Quebec made the decision 60 years ago to get religion out of its institutions, only the Catholic Church was concerned at the time but today is a different reality and the Révolution Tranquille is a big part of what makes Quebec what it is today. I don’t know why someone that’s religious to the point that they wouldn’t accept to separate their private religious life from their job would want to represent a laïc government just like I don’t understand why an atheist would want to go work for the government in a theocracy.