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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Hey OP I’m in a somewhat similar boat so maybe I can chime in to help.

    I’ve pondered many many times if I’m trans/would like to present as a woman. Every time I come out of those introspection sessions feeling like I wouldn’t mind being a woman at all (physically or not), but I also don’t feel a strong desire to be one either, nor do I have feelings of dysphoria with regards to my current body (or euphoria at the idea of changing it to be like a woman’s for that matter).

    But like you I also think I wish I was more female presenting and I like “traditionally female” things, so to speak (as a silly anectodte, just this past summer I painted my whole room pink and started collecting plushies, even though I still have a thick ass beard).

    I think in the end, if I were to label myself, this lands me somewhere in the non-binary spectrum, because I don’t have a strong attachment to the notion of maleness and have never seen myself “fully” as a man, but I also don’t think I could go around calling myself a woman either.

    And after several years of this mental back and forth I frankly just now forgo the idea of labeling myself (which I guess could be a label like agender but I’ve never given it much thought). It’s tiring and nothing ever feels like it fits entirely. I feel happier doing what I like and presenting how I like, and that’s enough.

    Of course this isn’t to say you’re the same as me, but I hope this helps broaden your horizons if you don’t feel like you’re trans but not exactly cis either.