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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I’m not trans. Occasionally posts from blahaj pop up in my feed, which is why I saw this one. I know this is blahaj, you’re probably all (justifiably) sick of what straight cis men think, so please take this comment with a huge pinch of salt.

    Out of curiosity I read the gender dysphoria bible, it didn’t resonate at all. As a young child, my grandparents once had me wear a dress as a joke, it felt wrong and I couldn’t wait to take it off.

    What I’m driving at is this: If what you and others read in the gender dysphoria bible resonates and if stuff like wearing a dress makes you feel ‘right’, please don’t doubt yourself. I’m pretty open about my sexuality, yet it doesn’t resonate. If it resonates with you, that means something.

    These feelings are real. You deserve to be happy. Be kind to yourself and love yourself like you do your loved ones. I mean that literally, imagine if your best friend discovered they were trans. You’d want to be supportive, right? Be that for yourself.

    1. I like that you included an archive link and media bias fact check link OP. Obviously, the latter isn’t without controversy, but it’s better than nothing.
    2. It’s important that criticism is coming from a former Israeli PM and Biden. I know there are a lot of the people who are very critical of both or likely don’t think they’re going far enough, but because the former is Israeli and the latter has been vocal in his support of Israel, it’s far harder for Israel’s far right government and their supporters to discount that criticism. This is far more damaging than any protest march could be, especially if those participating in that martch have always been critical of Israel or can be painted as making excuses for Hamas or Iran.

  • Potiomkin villages” (and subsequently Potiomkin anything eg. Potiomkin AI).

    Potemkin village:


    Apparently the original story is largely a myth:

    … the tale of elaborate, fake settlements, with glowing fires designed to comfort the monarch and her entourage as they surveyed the barren territory at night, is largely fictional. … “Based on the above said we must conclude that the myth of ‘Potemkin villages’ is exactly a myth, and not an established fact.” … The close relationship between Potemkin and the empress could have made it difficult for him to deceive her. Thus, if there were deception, it would have been mainly directed towards the foreign ambassadors accompanying the imperial party … it is possible that the phrase cannot be applied accurately to its own original historical inspiration. According to some historians, some of the buildings were real, and others were constructed to show what the region would look like in the near future, and at least Catherine and possibly also her foreign visitors knew which were which.

  • I am not being disingenious. I am being realistic.

    Any bomb dropped on Gaza is a bomb dropped on a high populous area.

    Some estimate that as many as ten million people died in the Congo Free State. Historians generally agree that what happened doesn’t meet the 1948 UN definition of genocide, because it requires intent and intent is hard to prove.

    Another example: the Dasht-i-Leili Massacre. A US allied war lord stuffed thousands Taliban prisoners into metal containers, up to 250 per container. American troops were present when it happened. Oopsie doodle. It got a bit hot in the metal containers. It is likely that up to 2000 of them died from heat exhaustion and/or suffocation (and the occasional bullet). No one was ever convicted.

    Remember former defense secretary Colin Powell? His meteoric rise started after he helped white wash the My Lai massacre.

    Remember that time US soldiers gunned down Reuters journalists and laughed about it? Good news: they convicted someone for that. Bad news: they convicted the person who leaked the footage, Chelsea Manning.

    This is how the world works. This is the standard of behaviour you can expect from militaries.

    Which is probably why the Israelis will eventually get away with their crimes, just as other countries have before them. They can simply claim they were attempting to bomb Hamas, and that all those who have died are collateral damage. Don’t get your hopes up about the ICJ case. The fact that they didn’t push for an immediate cease fire should be enough to convince you of that. The world isn’t fair.

    On a related note: the police are less nice than their portrayal in Brooklyn 99 would lead you to believe.

  • Sorry. But you’re naive.

    War has always been like this. It’s just been masked by newspeak. Collateral damage, precision or surgical strikes, insurgent, non-combatants, etc.

    IRC the initial bombings of Iraq in 2003, labeled ‘Shock and Awe’ and portrayed as surgical and precise by plenty of media, likely cost the lives of thousands of innocent civilians. The US bombed hospitals, they killed journalists, there were literal concentration camps, systematic torture, summary executions, etc. etc. People have simply watched too many American war movies (not a good war movie like Come and See, link to the full movie with subs on an official channel), don’t know much about international law, and seem to think a bomb blast stops at the window of a building. The sad reality is that you can bomb a building with one terrorist in it, and if it happens to be next to a children’s hospital, that’s invariably not considered a war crime.

    IRC the UK Department of Defense even has absurdly low civilian casualty figures, because anyone in a combat zone is no longer considered a civilian. Here’s a relevant article:

    The UK has admitted causing only one civilian death in its nearly decade-long campaign against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, a position widely criticised as implausible by defence establishment insiders and the civil service.

    And let’s not get started on countries like Russia where officers pimped out their own soldiers. If that’s how they treat their own, you don’t want to know how they treat the enemy. I mean, they decided to pardon child rapists and murders after setting them loose on the Ukrainian front. And don’t get me started on wars with child soldiers and rape camps. Hell, IRC in Syria the red cross/crescent gave Assad the location of hospitals, so they could avoid bombing them. They stopped doing that when they realised the regime was almost certainly using the locations they provided as targeting data and hit multiple hospitals in a day.

    Want to know the sad reality? Israel will likely get away with all this, because what they’re doing isn’t that especially out of the ordinary when it comes to war. It’s no coincidence that the ICJ stopped short of calling for an immediate ceasefire.

  • This isn’t an open war.

    It’s a limited amount of retaliatory and proportional strikes, meant to dissuade further attacks on US forces and international shipping. They’ve also chosen not to attack Iran, exactly because they want to avoid escalation. They also warned Iran ahead of time, so they could move out anyone important.

    If the US hadn’t responded, it would only have made things worse. You can’t just ignore groups murdering your soldiers. That’ll only invite more of this crap. Terrorists shooting at civilian container ships is also not good for anyone.

    The same thing happened with Iran and Pakistan recently. Iran struck Pakistan. Pakistan struck back. They both came to the conclusion they didn’t want a war, and made a statement to that effect.