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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • So, Bali then. Then you’d know this one - maybe you’re a stupid influencer, and if you take a photograph in a bikini up against the wrong tree – a religious symbol which is unmarked, but yet supposed to be duly noted as being off-limits - you can kiss your visa status goodbye, fined and deported. There are unwritten local and religious rules, managed through local groups which coordinate with the local government. That’s what this is as well.

    Please note, I’m not criticizing this. When you are in another country as a guest, you should not just think you can transpose your culture over the native culture and not suffer repercussions.

  • Well, I’m not ready to have my world reset, thankyouverymuch.

    I’ve been around long enough to know that this ebbs and flows, and to know WHO put these billionaires in power. If you vote Republican, you vote for lies, for double-dealing, and the throwing away of the rule of law. They’ve been enabling this since Reagan, and people buy into it because Fox and other Republican-aligned Anger Engines will commiserate with you and point fingers are who they think is to blame…which is anyone other than Republicans.

    We’ve always had the power to stop them, but they keep us disorganized and fighting each other while they skin the cream off the top. Anarchy isn’t an answer - it’s a big nothing burger; no solutions, only more anger.

    What fucking scares them? Organizing. Us getting together and not buying their shill. Getting together and unionizing for better wages and work (hi Norway!). Getting together and taking those politicians and anger engines off their stage. Beware any politician or celebrity who acts like one of you but then tries get you to vote against your own best interests. These fuckers need to fear us, and nothing works better than turning those channels off, ignoring their socials and voting those politicians out. You want to get angry? Fuck the influence!

    Don’t give up. Giving up is giving in. Fight!