• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024

  • If you want to become a better resource, I’d start by making more LGBT+ friends.

    I absolutely agree with you and I’m hoping to do just that. I have trouble making/keeping friends in general due to life’s inherent chaos. The older I get, the harder it seems to be to make new friends. In undergrad, I’d make good friends for that semester, and then slowly lose touch after the semester ended.

    Being naturally introverted makes it a bit of a challenge too. I’ve thought about going to a local bar that isn’t exclusively a gay bar, but it is very inclusive and popular with the local LGBTQ+ community. There’s also a really great support organization downtown that welcomes volunteers, and I plan to pursue that for sure.

  • I don’t think you got carried away at all in your comment! I appreciate your feedback.

    I plan on being trauma-informed and operating through a person-centered lens, because I believe everyone’s story is unique. A counselor I interviewed said “We must have an insatiable curiosity for the individual’s unique story” and I really liked how she put that.

    I definitely hear you with the privacy concerns. What I did as an adult caseworker was have my notes coded in a shorthand that wouldn’t make sense to anyone else. I plan on doing this as a counselor (as well as other measures), that way even if my notes were subpoenaed, it would require my testimony. This would allow me to choose what to say in order to advocate for my client, and insulate them from their progress notes being used against them.

  • I stumbled here from browsing all, and want to be open that I’m a cisgender male; I don’t want to come off like I’m misrepresenting myself.

    I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for the adversity and prejudice you’ve experienced… it’s heartbreaking…

    As others have said, you have many accomplishments to be proud of. I think it’s impressive. Even if you’re feeling weak, you clearly aren’t a weak person to have accomplished what you have, let alone in the face of adversity.

    I’ve just gone back to school to work on my counseling masters, and my professor tonight was drilling home the essential need for a sense of community and support. If there are relevant support groups near you, I would highly encourage you to join one. The fact that you’re posting here is great.

    I don’t know you, but I care about you. You say you feel like giving up, and that can mean many different things. Sometimes that means giving up on living, and I want to share these international resources with you (and everyone else here) if you ever feel like taking your life.

    I can’t even begin to imagine what it is like for you or others in this community. But I sincerely empathize with you and I wish I could be there for you. If you are in the US, there are warm lines in many states that have individuals trained to be supportive listeners. Here is NAMI’s helpline directory.

    I understand I’m out of my element and that this may come off as out of touch and like putting a band-aid on a bullet hole. But my heart genuinely goes out to you because I can feel pain in reading your post, and this is the only way I know how to help.

    I really hope you don’t give up. I mean that as sincerely as I can be. You sound like a determined, strong and tenacious person to have done everything you have. I hope I can be that strong and accomplished.