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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • This is close to reasonable. But the argument politicians shouldn’t be paid well is bad. If you can’t earn a good income as a politician, then the only people that can be politicians are those that are already wealthy.

    A working class person (or background) that can do well as a minister will struggle to put their family in the position of earning a reduced salary compared to a job in the private sector that will pay them more.

    A good example of this problem is Rishi Sunak. His wife is a billionaire. He doesn’t need a salary and PM. He has extended internal combustion engine sales deadline, supported the war in Gaza as soon as a Gaza permit for BP was announced and spitefully stopped the expansion of high speed rail by selling off the land purchased for it. All these actions are in direct support of BP a company his wife directly benefits from.

    It would be much better if our politicians earned their income through their salary. We have a dearth of talent due to low pay and high stress roles, only those that are swindling millions out of it are willing to endure.

  • Your correct that military action does inflame people. But this action is trying to stop the people sponsoring the terrorist.

    A better approach would be to stop sponsoring Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine. This would decrease tensions and allow diplomatic options to become viable.

    Israel had a cease fire, which appears to have been motivated by the US pausing delivery of weapons to Israel. As soon as the weapons were delivered they went right back at it. So the US does have considerable influence.

    The people doing these attacks in Yemen claim they are trying to disrupt Israel and it’s war on Gaza. Take away their moral cover and their support will weaken. They’ll be seen as terrorists if they don’t stop and will be politically easier to attack and politically harder to support.

  • Afghanistan was fighting an ideological enemy, that won their last war by waiting it out. Waiting out the Soviets worked and the same approached worked on the US coalition forces.

    The cartels in Mexico are businesses. They aren’t the same type of enemy. You only have to make the business unprofitable for it to stop.

    Remove the market in the US for drugs. Legalisation of the okay ones and social support for the harder drugs would reduce the size of the market.

    If you improve opportunities for people, these gangs have less recruitment leverage.

    The rest is just eroding the financial ability of the gangs. Detailed targeting of their finances would reduce the gangs liquidity and thus ability to operate. Continued military engagement would require them to spend more money of weapons and salaries hurting their bottom line. Capturing more of the members would also limit their ability to operate.

    These do require long term commitments of a large amount of resources. If the gangs think they can wait it out 2-20 years it won’t work.

    In Afghanistan they thought the could win in a few weeks and it would all be sorted. In part they were correct. Afghanistan was defeated before all the troops turned up. It was establishing a long term new order that was the issue. Mexico already has a recognised government that just needs support.

    The big issue is this all depends on investing in people and public service. That’s the real solution the military action would just be an accelerant. Neoliberals think investing in people isn’t necessary. However, the free market sells them drugs and encourages murder in pursuit of selling these drugs. The free markets is in the way here, neoliberalism isn’t the answer.

  • Your off the mark on this one. India (it’s government at least) is more aligned with Russia ideologically. They want to be the powerful bully and they want to oppress minorities. The west has movements similar to this, but they aren’t so entrenched and the path against them is much clearer.

    India isn’t aligned with the West. They also don’t want to align with the West. Any current cooperation is much like the west being allies with the Soviet Union during world war 2. It’s based on immediate convenience. Largely against china. Despite this India is actively hostile against the west in numerous ways, most recently political assignations in Canada and attempts in USA.

    I think this confusion arises because India’s recent history is tied to Britain. So we associate India with western alignment. However, being colonised is going to create resentment and mistrust with the colonisers and their associates.