It’s extra fun when you’re bisexual and non-binary!
Most expressions of attraction towards me are from “straight” drunk guys telling me I’m cute “for a guy” 😅
Languages: Français, English
Pronouns: They/them
It’s extra fun when you’re bisexual and non-binary!
Most expressions of attraction towards me are from “straight” drunk guys telling me I’m cute “for a guy” 😅
The message stated that most Harrisburg Pride members do not use pronouns
It always kills me when these people seem to think a basic feature of language is some form of woke leftist plot conjured up by the queers.
I’ll be honest, I just went into the comments of one of those reddit links and scrolled down until I saw someone share the artist’s name :P
Original artist is Adam Ellis, here’s his Instagram.
The government said it welcomed the “landmark decision”, adding it would help ensure care is based on evidence and is in the “best interests of the child”.
It’s truly insulting that they even dare suggest that this is in the best interests of trans kids, or that it’s based on any evidence. Puberty blockers save lives.
It follows a public consultation on the issue
Since when is public opinion relevant for the availability of healthcare? Can we have expert opinions, please?
The review followed a sharp rise in referrals to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS)
“More people need this treatment than ever before! Better completely cut off access to it!” is such a malicious position to take. I actually don’t understand how these transphobic fucks can be so callous and insensitive.
This is unrelated but I absolutely love your username.
Glad to hear you’re making yourself comfortable being you 😊
Again and again, transphobes prove that their rhetoric of queer and trans people supposedly causing harm to children is nothing more than projection.
We need to protect kids from conservatives, not from trans folks and drag queens.
Short answer: The drugs involved in HRT (as well as hormone level changes themselves) can cause sodium cravings, and pickles are salty. Somewhere along the line it became a meme.
Long answer: Pickles and Transfems: Hormonal and Cultural Food Craving in Gender Transition
(Thanks for asking the question, otherwise I never would have found this amazing article. I love it when people dive deep into silly things such as “trans girl pickle meme”.)
A beautiful finger painting my 19mo son made me of a butterfly and the words "and she became a beautiful butterfly
Oh fuck off that’s so incredibly adorable and wholesome. I love it. That’s the purest form of support right there. Thanks for sharing, this made my day a bit brighter.
I think the pandemic had a big impact as well. Social distancing meant that people were isolated from the forces that usually made them perform cisheteronormativity, and a lot of people realized “oh hey I’m queer actually”.
I know quite a few “COVID queers”, including myself.
I’m glad you had a good time, at least as far as funerals go! It helps when you know the person isn’t suffering anymore, for sure. Sidenote: I absolutely love your glasses, they suit you well :)
I’ve tried searching for “person-independent neopronouns” and failed to find any results.
Care to explain how this is different than referring to one’s self in the third person? Because I’ll be honest, I have a hard time wrapping my head around this.
My respect isn’t conditional to my understanding, but I feel I could respect better if I understood more.