• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s interesting you phrase it that way!

    The voice incide feels kind of excited about the idea(hopefully it’s not just the adhd getting bored) I mean, it’s obviously puberty 2,which I know isn’t really ever fun, but there is some excited almost looking forward to it feeling.

    The other bullshit is definitely a thing hanging over my head, but I realized recently, I’m fairly certain transitioning or not, some of these issues are coming up with my family eventually anyway, but transitioning will definitely bring up a lot of things sooner, and I’m a strong conflict avoider.

  • This is a perfect comment.

    I can’t speak for others but I probably borderline obsessively have to get all the info possible because I fear making the “obvious” wrong decision.

    I’m somewhat relieved but also saddened that there’s this many of these kind of posts. I have been feeling like it’s a similar feeling to when I realized I was trans, and when I finally was able to accept it.

    I appreciate your blunt honesty. 💜 I needed it. I think that’s where I am. As far as I know to go, looking for confirmation before I jump.

  • That’s one of the things that’s been on my mind lately 😂 if I’m not terrified of even considering, I probably won’t hate it.

    I think part of my deal is change is difficult and attention drawn to it is also uncomfortable and this is both.

    Change is hard enough, but then people being like “oh! You changed something. Why?”

  • Yeah, no problem. I thought about posting it in the general trans community.

    I thought I was taking it slow! It has been a little less than a year since I realized. I think I’m in a similar place, it’s a big thing and I want to know that it’s what I really want. Also, once that closet door comes open, there’s no going back, which is really scary.