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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Floridian here. Anything over a cat3 heading your way is cause to GTFO immediately or seek shelter in an evacuation shelter (usually sturdy public buildings like schools). You can usually weather the storm if it’s cat 1 or 2 and you’re well prepared and don’t live in a flood zone(even then there’s room for exercising your discretion). same goes for 3 but at that point I’m tracking the storms path to see if we’re gonna get a direct hit or not. If it’s on the low end of 3 and we’re only getting the outer bands I’ll stick it out. If it’s looking like a direct hit I’ll leave. Never been hit by a cat 4 or 5 and have no intention of being around when they come knocking. A cat 6 would be “if you’re still around you’re a fucking idiot” level of storm.

    I did stick around for irma or Michael a few years back but only because by the time they were near me they were going to be significantly weaker than when they made landfall

  • On 20 February 2023, he condemned Putin for “destroying” Russia’s own future “just to make our country look bigger on the map” and said that Russia must end its occupation of Ukraine and recognise Ukraine’s borders as they were established in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Navalny also said Russia would have to pay post-war reparations to Ukraine and called for an international investigation into war crimes, saying: “Tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainians have been murdered and pain and suffering have befallen millions more.”

  • Forgot what the thread was originally about lol, my bad. I skimmed the article, I’m working and haven’t given it a proper read yet. I see why you were saying all that now, that’s on me and I apologize.

    To say they’re the same is incorrect as they are different compounds. But if we’re judging them on their effects on the mind and body, taken the same way and in the same doses; they illicit a nearly identical response. If you accidentally took a meth pill instead of Adderall, it’s likely you would only notice minor differences if you noticed anything

  • Im not telling people to buy crank from some dude down the street instead of going to the pharmacy for their Adderall. You’re just putting words in my mouth and getting mad at them.

    However, I was misremembering a study I read a few years ago. Outside of in vitro and rat studies, I couldn’t find anything measuring the pharmacological effects of Adderall and meth. I should’ve said behavioural and physiological instead. It was intranasal instead of oral as well, for what that’s worth. The behavioral effects are essentially identical and there are very minor differences in effects on heart rate and blood pressure. I will be correcting my comment after I reply to you.