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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This reminds me of a funny story from the USA education system. There was this day in class and we were covering European geography and the teacher asked me “where is Norway?” And I didn’t know so I said so. Well the teacher got really upset and told me to stand in the hallway. I’m out in the hallway and the principal walks by and asks me why I’m there. I tell him what happened and he got really upset, took me to his office and called my parents. When my mom shows up he sends me home with her. I’m sitting in the car riding home and my mom asks why I got in trouble so I tell her. Well when I say I didn’t know where Norway was she stopped the car and told me to walk home. I get out and start walking towards my house when a police officer pulls up. He starts asking why I’m not in school so I try to explain. I tell him about Norway and my teacher and he tells me to get into the back of the police car. I think he’s taking me home or to school but instead he drives me to the port. He tells me to get on a boat or I’d be arrested so I got on the closest boat I could. The boat sets sail and it isn’t long before one of the sailors finds me. He asks why I’m there and I start from the beginning, but when I say I don’t know where Norway is he gets real upset and throws me overboard. I’m treading water for what felt like hours until I see a helicopter overhead. They saw me and lowered a rope for me to climb out of the water. I get into the helicopter and dry off. We’re flying along and the pilot asks why I was in the middle of the ocean, the moment I mentioned not knowing where Norway was he handed me a parachute and kicked me out of the helicopter. Well I land beside a highway, and I take a few minutes to look around. I don’t recognize anything but I see a sign up ahead so I start walking towards it. And to my astonishment the sign says “Welcome to Norway”. You can imagine my excitement, I now knew where Norway was and they would have to let me come back to school. I see a car stopped on the other side of the road so I walk to ask for help. And as I make it halfway across the street I get hit by a bus and die.