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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Right but the history behind Native American beauty pageants takes place in the aftermath of ethnic cleansing and subjugation. You simply can’t divorce the two subjects because they affected everything in their culture and way of life.

    Ethnic cleansing, put simply, is the form the whitewashing took form of, and it took everything from the Native Americans. Their homes, their land, their history, their identity, their cultures were either all gone or held on by a thread.

    It has taken so fucking long for them to rebuild even a fraction of what they had, and the pageants were part of that process, an attempt to rebuild an ethnic identity from the ashes.

    Japan never had that history. The Japanese were not nearly wiped out by European colonialists, they were not hunted to the point of extinction and cultural death. Their issues right now stem from their own societal failures.

    So when you invoke native American history as a comparison, you should consider the context. In your example, it would be understandable that people might be offended if a white person won a native American beauty pageant because their entire race and culture was pretty much completely wiped out by white people, and this could be seen as someone trying to take yet another thing from them.

    Japan doesn’t have that history with white people, so that comparison with Native Americans simply does not stand, and trying to make it stand is kinda belittling to the native Americans.

  • It’s absolutely insane, especially when it comes from those who claim to want to preserve ethnic identities.

    If they’re gonna invoke other national identities in conversation, the least they could do is learn about them. If anything drawing comparisons to ethnic cleansing over a fucking beauty pageant is more insensitive than pretty much anything else in this thread.

    Other than their connotations that someone cannot be a real Japanese because of their skin colour, that reminds me a bit about America’s history of treating black people.

  • Oh fucking get over yourself.

    The Japanese are hardly an oppressed people, at least by outsiders. They’re a first world country. With their own customs and culture.

    The only dangers to their identity have been those of their own societal making.

    Japan’s native population has been in critical freefall for a long time not because of any white person interference, but because their culture has become increasingly incompatible with family life for a significant amount of their population. If you thought America had an out-of-whack work culture, your jaw would hit the floor when you see what salarymen and salarywomen over there go through.

    It’s not like they’ve been pushed out by a colonial force with some manifest destiny bullshit. The problem here simply isn’t whitey.

  • That is NOT a small shift. Let’s do some basic math.

    In a population of 1 million, 1% is 10,000.

    The 2022 population estimate by the US gov is 3 million on the west bank and 2 million on Gaza strip.

    So even if we only talk about the Gaza strip, that’s 20,000 Gazans dead.

    That’s equivalent to 6.6 9/11 tragedies in the space of 4 months. 9/11 had a fatality rate of 3000-odd.

    Add in the west bank and that’s 50,000 dead. In four. Fucking. Months. That is the population of a decent sized city, just gone.