friend says, 'Think the cat is surprised my grandson had taken over the kings chair 😂😂 '. like sibling rivalry.

    2 months ago

    Yeah, though the kid was like 7 or 8 - old enough to know better. But his parents were divorcing and their mother had had them for months and was letting them get away with everything - the father (who brought them to our house) was trying to get them back in line, but he was overwhelmed.

    He and his brother also got into a cabinet where I have the LEGO Simpsons house and Kwik-E-Mart and tore both of them apart. I can kind of understand - LEGO, play - but also…dude, this is someone else’s house. Fortunately it was LEGO and could be rebuilt. They were breaking stuff or letting the cats out every time they visited (one left the door wide open…who does that? I said, with irritation, “You have to close the door!” and the kid got all upset, but when it comes to my pets, I’m not going to mess around).

    We tried to be patient and help - it’s difficult to teach kids manners if they haven’t been in the situation where they need them, right? Eventually they did settle down somewhat.