As laws banning trans people from sports have proliferated—and become a central pillar of President Trump’s administration—the derby community has stood steadfast in their view that everyone has a place on the derby track. In the hours, days, and weeks after the executive order, the line “You Can Skate With Us” appeared in social media posts by roller derby leagues across the U.S., from the Bradentucky Bombers in Southwest Florida; to South Sound Roller Derby in Lacey, Washington; to Salt City Roller Derby in Syracuse, New York. High Altitude Roller Derby of Flagstaff, Arizona, posted that “Roller Derby is for everyone. Please, come skate with us. You’re safe here.” A coalition of roller derby players in Minnesota penned an open letter condemning attempts to take trans women out of sports. The “You Can Skate With Us” movement went beyond the boundaries of the U.S., with leagues from Canada, Australia, England and Finland rolling in, vowing resistance to the States’ new executive order. As individual leagues weighed in, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, the governing body for 400 derby leagues across the world, reaffirmed their policy of allowing “any individual of a marginalized gender” to skate on a WFTDA team “despite the U.S. administration’s newest Executive Order,” and promised resources for teams concerned by the trans sports bans.
A community-organized sport that receives no federal funding, derby should be safe from the Trump administration’s recent executive action. But the sport’s relative isolation doesn’t immunize it against all trans bans. The Long Island Roller Rebels are now in the second year of a lawsuit against Nassau County over a law that bans women’s sports teams from using county facilities if their team includes trans women. Most trans sports bans start in the context of schools or federal funding, but Nassau County’s law includes any sport that uses a park or recreational space—the next step, perhaps, in an ever-evolving landscape of anti-trans laws. “It’s all the more important that an adult league like the Roller Rebels is pushing back on this before it’s normalized,” argues Gabriella Larios, a staff attorney at the New York Civil Liberties Union who is litigating the Roller Rebels’ lawsuit.
TIL that the current incarnation of derby started up here in Austin. I went to a few bouts in Oregon, where my ex had a friend on the local team. We went camping with most of the team once, and it was pretty crazy … they know how to party.
I’m proud to say I’m related to an Austinite roller derby star (not mentioned in this article). They really are a badass group!
I can’t speak to the local team, but the Oregon one I spent time with took no shit and gave no fucks. They’ll beat the shit out of each other on skates but are then laughing and fiercely protective of one another once the bout is over or in other social situations. And, well, after a few beers, making out.