Israel forces aid organizations to purchase food from Egypt and prevents them from buying it in Israel, which would allow for a more efficient and rapid transfer of goods. Israel also prohibits the private sector in Gaza from purchasing food, which could significantly increase supply. Although Israel recently allowed trucks in through Kerem Shalom Crossing, too, which is designed for commercial transports, this was merely a token addition that has failed to alleviate the hardship.

Aid organizations are struggling to operate under current conditions, and most of the limited aid allowed in remains in Rafah instead of reaching residents throughout the Strip. Martin Griffiths, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, listed several reasons why aid cannot be efficiently distributed. Among other things, he noted that trucks are inspected several times before Israel allows them into Gaza, and even then, long lines form due to the conditions at Rafah Crossing. The little food that does get in is very difficult to distribute due to the constant bombings, destroyed roads, frequent communication blackouts, and shelters overflowing with of hundreds of thousands of IDPs crowding into smaller and smaller areas.

Israel can, if it so chooses, change this reality. The images of children begging for food, people waiting in long lines for paltry handouts and hungry residents charging at aid trucks are already inconceivable. The horror is growing by the minute, and the danger of famine is real. Still, Israel persists in its policy.

Changing this policy is not just a moral obligation. Allowing food into the Gaza Strip is not an act of kindness but a positive obligation under international humanitarian law: starvation as a method of warfare is prohibited

    9 months ago

    And yet all it would take for Trump to not be elected is for one man, one single man, to change the way he acts.

    Yet, instead of that easy, logical option of Biden behaving differently, the millions of Americans who feel revolted with this Genocide and the US Administration’s giving material support to the genociders, are supposed to ignore their Principles and vote for the guy who is activelly giving heavy bombs to be used in committing mass murder.

    Joe Biden is not willing to stop supporting Genocide even against the Principles of millions of people who voted for him and who he is supposed to represent, not even to make sure he gets their votes again so that Trump doesn’t get elected.

    Think about it. Think about what kind of person puts his desire to support those committing Genocide even against not merelly the wishes but even the Morals and Principles of those who elected him and even when by doing so he created a situation where there is a serious risk that Trump gets elected again.

      9 months ago

      And yet all it would take for Trump to not be elected is for one man, one single man, to change the way he acts.

      I live in reality not fantasy. I cannot control Joe Biden. I can only realize I’m trapped in a situation where either Biden or Trump will be our ruler. On the one hand we have a psychopathic supporter of Palestinian genocide, on the other hand we have a psychopathic supporter of Palestinian, Mexican, Black, Gay, Trans, etc genocide.

      Think about it. Think about what kind of person

      A fucking psychopath, what I’m trying to get you to understand, is that the alternatives to Biden are not “not psychopaths”.

      A) Psychopath A who wants to kill 2 million

      B) Psychopath B who wants to kill 200 million

      What is the logical choice, there is no realistic choice C – if you want to change the world, it must be done outside of this system, but since we’re trapped in the system, if you ignore it and leave it to the fascists, everything about your existence will become much harder and more risky.

      9 months ago

      Yeah, so trump didn’t support or cause a genocide when he literally had the ability. His track record for violence is strikingly less than the average presidents. Biden has been vice president and president for some straight up heinous shit, intentionally destabilizing entire countries.

        9 months ago

        Dude literally attempted to start a war with Iran. And the only reason he didn’t use the military against protestors is because the military refused the order. So instead he created a special unit in the Department of Justice made up of volunteers. They covered themselves by saying they were defending federal property but instead they were filmed abducting people in the vicinity of protests and damaging cars they believe belonged to protestors. They routinely fired “less than lethal” projectiles into crowds that were just standing around. Often they aimed to maim people with those projectiles, instead of aiming them low as intended.

        Trump also fomented our first armed insurrection in 160 years. And then he tried to stop the military from responding to it.

        He clearly wanted to do all the stupid stuff. He just sucked at it and had a lot of patriots doing every thing they could to slow him down or stop him. Round 2 would be very different. For example the hold on military promotions Tuberville was running? That fits perfectly with the playbook for subverting the military. You make the job bad enough that competent people leave and your buddies stay because they understand the mission. Repeat that cycle a few times and you can begin a silent purge of NCOs and lower officers that aren’t seen as loyal to the cause.

        If someone failed to coup your government you don’t give them a second chance.

          9 months ago

          And they say the “right” is into conspiracy theories. “He’s a fucking moron, but look at all this shit that mastermind nearly pulled off”

            9 months ago

            Obviously he didn’t nearly pull it off. He did very much attempt to pull it off and now it’s a group project.