My partner and I first broached the possibility that we might need to flee the country last summer. After election day, we began that preparation in earnest. I’m making the document we used t…
What scares me (living in a comparatively sane country) is that even though on most levels I’m fully aware that this is actually happening right now, a part of my mind keeps insisting that the thought of any of this being real is an absolutely ridiculous idea. It just seems way too dystopian to have anything in common with reality.
All the strength and luck to those who find themselves in the same situation as the author(s).
What scares me (living in a comparatively sane country) is that even though on most levels I’m fully aware that this is actually happening right now, a part of my mind keeps insisting that the thought of any of this being real is an absolutely ridiculous idea. It just seems way too dystopian to have anything in common with reality.
All the strength and luck to those who find themselves in the same situation as the author(s).