How do you know?
cat, in line at the drive thru to grab a whopper
Hello! Some info about me is up on my website:
How do you know?
cat, in line at the drive thru to grab a whopper
Be a little piece of shit, and one day you’ll find out that you aren’t the only one who can kill, as you learn your brakes aren’t functional on the highway.
Sincerely, Your neighbors <3
“and I’ll do it again” -cat
Man, did you pick the wrong road to chill on…
As a disabled cub(?)/bear, I’m conflicted. I worry about (mostly others’) health, but it’s nice to be wanted for the way you are.
Regardless, thanks, everyone <3
Well there’s the problem, it’s that damn math with letters in it. Fucking everything up since magicman got here.
Ain’t nobody got 28 apples and are wondering what the triangular circumference of the quadrant squared is, assuming X stupid bullshit, but I do want a sweet boy in my bed assuming X marks the spot. Oh look, it’s a party, all for me? You shouldn’t have.
Do guys (or gals or whatever you’re into~), not letter-math.
Most of the stuff here I can’t relate to as I scroll by (I’m not really into card/dice based rpgs) but this one, uhhhh… 😳
Ey mate, shitters clogged
Cute af, mischievous, subby to all canines
#catsArentReal or something
You fool, those are government spy drones!