Liberal, Briton, FBPE. Co-mod of m/neoliberal

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Reminder also that whilst it’s a very fun story, this claim was:

    a. written as part of a hit job by two right-wing Brexiter journalists in the run-up to the referendum as part of a wider effort by the right to discredit the centrist establishment in the months before the vote (see also: Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith resigning from Cameron’s cabinet in protest at the work and pensions policies he had conceived and implemented over the previous six years…); and

    b. never substantiated by any evidence that those two Brexiter journalists were willing or able to provide, despite them claiming in the book there was a photo.

    The 2016 Brexit referendum was the dirtiest election in living memory in the UK. It was plagued by fake news and Russian interference. Isabella Oakshott herself is known to have covered up evidence of Putin’s links to the Brexit campaign and her domestic partner is literally the current leader of Reform UK (the party formerly known as Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party). She is not a credible or impartial figure.

    There are totally things Cameron should be criticised for over his time in government, but that is no excuse to parrot Brexiter (and possibly Russian) fake news that was designed to discredit moderates and favour the far-right.

  • Argentina was once one of the richest countries in the world, richer than France or Germany.

    And much of that wealth was built on exports of beef, especially to Britain. But that was well over 100 years ago.

    Now, thanks to a profound economic crisis, it languishes in around 70th place, according to the latest figures from the World Bank.

    It wasn’t ‘an’ economic crisis that caused that change. It was a long-term political crisis. The fundamental cause of Argentina’s economic decline was political misrule - the combination of decades of political instability, military juntas, protectionist trade policies and hyperinflationary monetary policies, all of which discouraged long-term investment and left Argentine businesses and industries inefficient and uncompetitive.

    Argentina dropped out of the developed world because the Argentine political class chose to drop out of the developed world.

    Argentina is what those Americans flirting with the idea of re-electing Trump should be thinking about. Right now, MAGA, protectionism and political chaos are a one-term aberration in American politics. If they bring him back, if they make Trump’s form of politics a regularised part of the American political culture, Argentina is their future.

  • Mate, even if it was the mayor of Upton Snodsbury in Worcestershire who had made this comment, I would be glad to see the Auschwitz Museum had responded to them. The fact it was a mayor in the country in question makes it even more relevant.

    Never again means never again. It means challenging genocide and ethnic cleansing every time, at every step along the road that leads to these outcomes - not just waiting until the trains are already on their way to the death camps before your raise your voice.