• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Despite their mission statements and many members’ claims to pursue objective truth about LGBTQ+ health care by applying the scientific method, many of the R&P groups are also founded by people with close ties to white Christian nationalists, those whom Anthea Butler has described as operating on “the assumption that Christ is at the core of efforts to establish and promote white protestant Christianity in the service of white male autocratic authority.”

    Why am I not surprised about the involvement of white Christian nationalists…??

    Also some usual suspects involved:

    Heritage Foundation

    Charles Koch Institute

    Manhattan Institute

    American Enterprise Institute

    Fuck them all

  • First things first, the trans community is not a threat to anyone.

    As for the existence of transphobia, my (limited) understanding is that there are a few origins:

    1. Power

    As Michel Foucault wrote in Discipline and Punish, gender and sexuality became an instrument of power. Society uses gender and sexuality to control its people. E.g. men should be strong, women should be weak, marriage must be done by a man and a women, etc.

    The existence of LGBTQIA+ community challenges this discourse directly and is therefore seen as a threat by those with power.

    2. Conservatives knew that the fight against same sex marriage were lost

    Therefore the transgender community became their biggest target now. A lot of people still have limited understanding of transgender, and gender as a social construct in general. Conservatives and neo-reactionary think they could still push back against transgender. A small number of LBG people also thought they could gain acceptance among conservatives by throwing the transgender community under the bus.

    It must be said that if they succeed, the rights of LGB people will be their next obvious target, and therefore we are all in the same ship together.

    3. TERFs

    Some women had bad experience with men, and they project this onto transgender women. We see them mainly campaigning on limiting the use of women’s bathroom for transgender women, which made their lives very difficult.

    It must be clearly said that their experience have noting to do with transgender women, who are some of the nicest persons I have ever met.