Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at ! )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I think it more proves that no matter what founding fathers or any noble people come up with, there will always be people who corrupt those noble goals and twist them. Supreme Court was supposed to be uncorruptible. They get their position for life so they never have to worry about reelections, just do what is right for the country.

    Founding fathers never thought the nominations would be bastardized around elections, or that bribery would sway judges so high up. Power always corrupts

  • Yeah when most religion and deeply held beliefs fall apart real quick when the reason for why they’re held is “because my parents believed it”. Younger generations who are still republican usually start to realize they aren’t when asked “why are you republican” and all they can do is spout stuff their parents say. Which is why the best way to help counter their beliefs isn’t to say “it’s stupid” or “you’re wrong”, but to instead keep asking questions. “Why do you think that?” “Why do you think marriage should only be between a man and a woman?” “Why do you believe the bible claims that?” Keep asking whys and maybe they’ll start thinking

  • This country gets more frustrating when you realize that most of the issues we face right now are (at their root) because most americans have no ability to self reflect on themselves.

    Why do I hate X people? Why am I afraid of this? Should I be afraid of this? Why do I feel like I should trust this person instead of that person? Why does this person’s views make me uncomfortable. …why do I feel like I need to have the biggest truck?

    If Americans could self reflect on any of those we would be a very different country.

  • See for me, questioning people’s sexuality shouldn’t be a thing, celebrity or not. I think it cuts both ways, that it’s wrong to assume someone’s gender or assume someone is hetero and also wrong to assume that someone is non-binary or that they are queer.

    At this point it’s not just a suggestion, but that people are going out of their way to write articles about it, to make it headline news. I should reword - at that point it’s no longer gossip but nearing slander. That’s not a tumblr blog or tweet, it’s an official publication making suggestions.

    As for proof, well there is none. You either have a lot of gossip on one side, or you have what she says and does on the other. Personally, I think it’s up to her to say anything if she wants to. But her friends are upset about it and calling on the NYT to take down the “article”.