Hello there!

I’m also @savvywolf@furry.engineer , and I have a website at https://www.savagewolf.org .


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • So I’m very sceptical about AI in general so I appreciate that this isn’t a product aimed at me, but I’d figured I’d engage a bit.

    My main question is… What do you think the main value add for the AI is? The main one I can see is being able to generate lore quickly, and then manually tweaking it to your liking. But you could use a general purpose genAI to do that.

    For managing character sheets, you have the problem of accuracy. GenAI chatbots are just bullshitting machines and are programmed to be convincing, not correct. How are you going to prevent your chatbot from saying wrong things? How are you going to get players to trust it?

    Most rules conflicts in ttrpgs are due to people having different interpretations of the rules. Is your bot going to be just another voice in the argument as to whether you can split a jump over two turns?

    What advantage does a chatbot bring over a dedicated system specific wizard? Sure they need specifically programmed for each new system, but then they work perfectly and can display fancy user interfaces.

    Since you are using genAI, how ethically and legally sourced is your training data? Are things we type going to be used to train the bot? You have a summary feature to summarise sessions, how does that work if players use voice chat to run their games? Will voice chat we use when interacting with the platform be recorded?

    A fun little challenging question you need to figure out sooner rather than later: Will NSFW stuff such as porn and bdsm be allowed in the platform? :P

    And a more practical question: How much does the subscription cost? If it’s “free”, what’s your monetisation strategy?

    Lastly… Stop throwing the word “proprietary” around so much. It comes across as super clingy.

  • It was meant to be a spoof on how everyone has different opinions on the difference on what INT and WIS are, as well as a meta-commentary on the difference between INT and WIS (arguing a set of semantics on a webcomic where the joke wouldn’t make sense under your rules is a high-INT, low-WIS action, IMO).

  • SavvyWolf@pawb.socialtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkMore stats =/= better
    5 months ago

    * Puts on headband of intellect *

    Uhm, actually recalling and learning from personal experience is WIS and not INT.

    * Pushes glasses up the bridge of my nose *

    Really now, it’s this misconception that is really hurting the game. I will now go on a rant about how my interpretation of the stats is correct despite it being fairly ambiguous and confusing.

  • Yeah, this is super annoying. I want to try out roleplaying and get into character and all that, but in some tables you have people like the following:

    • The involved roleplayer who, despite their intent otherwise, takes control of the narrative. They try to involve you, but it always feels like you’re a side character in their story.
    • The funny guy, who tries to crack jokes and make the whole game feel light-hearted and silly. I get we’re all here for fun, but sometimes I’d like a bit of meat to bite into.
    • The GM’s friend, who derails the game into taking about that cool dog that they had when they flat shared last year. No seriously, it’s a cool dog. Let me find a picture on my phone.
    • That guy whose character is a reference to that show you don’t watch. They keep making references to it, and a few other people get it, but you have to awkwardly nod your head.

    … Wow, sorry, kind of went on a rant there. I guess I have a bit of frustration at going to play a game, and most of the session being taken up by not playing said game.

  • Modlog for context: https://ttrpg.network/modlog/11

    Anyway, I’m an onlooker and have no affiliation with ttrpg.network - I just like sticking my nose in places where it doesn’t belong.

    I agree that the ban on NSFW content should be disclaimed in the sidebar, but at the same time, I think that’s the community moderator’s choice. IIRC DNDMemes on Reddit also blocked NSFW stuff.

    However, I’d like to point out that ttrpg.network has open community creation and an explicit NSFW allowed stance. You could easily just create /c/spicydndmemes or something and designate it as where to put all your snitty pics. Although there are moderation concerns and potential drama with NSFW communities which have to be considered.

    I’m all for having NSFW friendly places, but at the same time, if people want two separate communities for NSFW and SFW stuff, that makes sense to me. Nothing stopping people from subscribing to both of them.