Monopoly is fine. Dnd is another beast.
Monopoly is fine. Dnd is another beast.
Ish. Dont shit where you eat. Its risky to play with coworkers, but really dangerous to play with your boss. I highly advise everyone NOT to do it
Its funny, but also a tad pvp too much for my tastes
Players : DM this is the 4rth wyrmling you threw at us ! Im done with your game unless you stop trying to kill us !
Dm : ok, Ill stop trying.
*puts an Ancient Red Dragon’s token on the table
Mosquitoes that suck your blood are all mothers, since only the larvas need blood to survive. So when you smash one, you also kill indirectly babies with their mother. I’ve knowned this for 20 years, and every summer, I’m still SMASHING THOSES BITCHES UP
Are we talking about the shit of diablo 3 and 4 or the actual decent lore and ballsy gameplay of 1 and 2 ?
First citation is free I dont care
Tell my wife I said… hello
Now the patrol wants to contratulate you personnally at the treehouse. If you mention the scroll, he goes paranoid and tries to turn you and your team. It goes from there on.
Sooo… not ash then ? More nothing
What ? Everything you love turned to ash ? The fuck do you mean ?
Ha ! Nah. When we asked why so few of them, he said that it was because it took too much time and he didnt had enough to do it.
Which, either its a lie, or he is doing it wrong. Because the thing that makes time in session go by a lot with few preps is combat. I could design you 3 combats that would last a session faster than any other type of content designed to last as long.
No matter what, I like combat, I like it a lot. And this turned me off a shitton.
This hurts me so bad. One time, we went about 7 sessions without a single fight. Then I went last in the initiative. And then the DM forgot for a few seconds that I was there since the other players wiped the floor and only one was left and he accidently closed the session before my turn
You are not far at all. They just tried to cut its vocal cords and succeeded XD
I see its the DMs fault for allowing so many homebrew stuff
Google : token warforged wood
Then I use paint 3d