• 14 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Found another one from Haaretz today that is interesting. Archive link:

    Israel’s beef isn’t with UNRWA. It’s with Palestinian refugees’ right of return

    This week I saw a video from Noga Arbell, a researcher at the right-wing Kohelet Forum, in which she commented on Israel’s suspicions about a number of UNRWA employees’ involvement in the October 7 attacks.

    Her comments included the following: “To win the war, UNRWA needs to be annihilated because UNRWA is the source of the idea. It gives birth to more and more terrorists in all kinds of ways. UNRWA needs to be wiped out immediately – now – or Israel will miss the window of opportunity.”

    The idea that Arbell was referring to isn’t exactly UNRWA. The organization represents something much bigger – the ethos of being a Palestinian refugee, or in other words, the right of return for Palestinian refugees. When she wants to annihilate UNRWA, she actually wants to annihilate Palestinian history – to erase it. And now she’s seeing a window of opportunity.

    In short, back then the Jews in Israel did everything to expel Palestinians and to prevent them from returning to their homes – all by “helping” the Palestinians to become absorbed in their new places of residence and with Jews settling where they had been living.

    The Jews’ problem in the State of Israel is that they think everything is obtainable by force – annihilating UNRWA, annihilating Hamas, dictating the future of the Palestinians, telling them what to forgo and what not to, as well as where to go, who should be their leader and what their identity is. And when these Palestinians don’t toe the line, the Jews decide for them – by force, of course.

  • 7 is about rape. You talk about sexual abuse. They are not synonyms.

    Also, in the link above the following passage might interest you:

    As McIntosh points out, men also tend to be unaware of their own privileges as men. In the spirit of McIntosh’s
    essay, I thought I’d compile a list similar to McIntosh’s, focusing on the invisible privileges benefitting men.
    Due to my own limitations, this list is unavoidably U.S.-centric. I hope that writers from other cultures will create
    new lists, or modify this one, to reflect their own experiences.

    1. Complicated is no synonym of conspiracy theory, see Reality vs Fantasy.
    2. Pointing out someone’s contradictory arguments is definitely not ad hominem attack.

    The argument started by person A stating a fact and person B claiming it’s a conspiracy.
    I stepped in and said it’s no conspiracy.
    Person B says, I didn’t mean conspiracy, I meant it’s more complicated
    I respond to person B if you meant complicated, you would have said something along those lines. Instead you said conspiracy theory.

    Calling out bs is not an attack on the person, it’s a reflection to what they say.

  • I don’t think Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people. Israel is trying to take out Hamas, but Hamas is using the Palestinian people as human shields.

    That is the narrative that the zionists and their colonialists allies propose. It’s more appropriate to call it propaganda. It is crucial to believe this because otherwise the mass killing of civilians and children turns into the Genocide that it is.

    Check out an Amnesty International article:

    Gaza: At EU Foreign Affairs Council, Ministers should call for an immediate ceasefire - 22 January 2024

    Amnesty International concurs that there are worrying signs of genocide in the occupied Gaza Strip due to:

    The staggering scale of death and destruction with 24,000+ Palestinians killed during the course of Israel’s relentless attacks on the occupied Gaza Strip;

    The deliberate depriving of adequate food, water, medical care and humanitarian assistance to the civilian population through an almost total siege by Israel, putting the survival of those within Gaza at risk;

    A spike in dehumanizing and racist rhetoric against Palestinians by multiple Israeli government and military officials;

    A long history of discrimination and oppression of Palestinians, including Israel’s system of apartheid against Palestinians.

    And an older one from the United Nations article that calls things as they are:

    Gaza: UN experts call on international community to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people 16 November 2023

    Grave violations committed by Israel against Palestinians in the aftermath of 7 October, particularly in Gaza, point to a genocide in the making, UN experts said today. They illustrated evidence of increasing genocidal incitement, overt intent to “destroy the Palestinian people under occupation”, loud calls for a ‘second Nakba’ in Gaza and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, and the use of powerful weaponry with inherently indiscriminate impacts, resulting in a colossal death toll and destruction of life-sustaining infrastructure.