Riots in the PNG capital Port Moresby earlier in January left at least 16 dead, with major retail stores burnt and looted, after police held a strike over pay
I wonder where the money to pay their cops goes…
Riots in the PNG capital Port Moresby earlier in January left at least 16 dead, with major retail stores burnt and looted, after police held a strike over pay
I wonder where the money to pay their cops goes…
If you’re a dictator running half of a country, you’ll need to project strength in order to prevent the other half from trying to annex you. The living condition of your citizen is the least of your concern because your own survival take priority.
Using salt water would destroy the freshwater ecosystem connected to the canal and contaminate ground water and irrigation system with saltwater which will wreak havoc to farming and freshwater supply for people that live in the area. Think about how hard it is to farm in the beach area where there is no fresh water. Most crops cannot tolerate high salt level. The canal is going through a highland so all those salt water will absolutely flow downstream to rivers and seeping into ground water. Imagine if an important water reservoir in your area suddenly turn into salt water reservoir. The whole region would basically be fucked to accommodate global trade.
I remember when the ol’ Honda Fit marketing material list “pedestrian safety” as an actual feature. Cars these days are complete opposite, they’ll turn pedestrian into mincemeat.
Argentinian should just bear it for a bit until multinational corporations swoop in and buy various assets dirt-cheap. Imagine all the future profits! /s
After the surgery, the hospital’s management apologised and paid 500 yuan ($70, £55) as compensation, according to the patient’s son who spoke to local media outlets. He also said his mother is now blind in her left eye, though it is not clear whether it was due to the incident.
It’s all good folks, the hospital already compensated her for the injury!
Where did NK get their rocket scientists? Did they attracted foreign talents with solid salary and benefits, or did they send out some of their people to study at foreign universities?
Police travelled towards the village and had almost approached their target when a dog rushed at them, forcing them to jump over a five-metre cliff. The ensuing shootout lasted more than two hours and there were early media reports that Pang had been shot dead. But as the dust settled, Pang managed to escape and only the dog — named Mhee, meaning bear — was detained.
This sounds like some action flicks!
Whelp, it’s Gizmodo. Calling it “journalism” is a stretch.